chapter thirty one

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Yeosang's pov.

I couldn't be with him any longer.
I love him but it's too much, he doesn't even tried to talk with me about his dark side.
He just wants to talk with me about us but I can't do that.

I went to my apartment and took a hot shower.
The water dropped on my body and after some time I went out of the shower and the doorbell rang.
I put a towel around my waist and opened the door.

„Yeo you can't leave me like that..."
He looked up and down and chuckled.
I had an idea what he was thinking about.

„Hwa I told you that I need time-" He went into my apartment and closed the door.

„No Yeo..." He had roses in his hand and gave me them.
„I love you-" „Do you think I can be with you when I know that you're a psychopath? YOU KILLED PEOPLE HWA!"
„Yeo-" „NO!" I threw the roses on the floor and he gulped.

I was so angry and then I noticed what I did.
„I'm sorry-" He hugged me tightly and doesn't thought about to let me go.

„Take a deep breath ok?" I did what he said and breathed in and out and I calmed down.

„You're right. I'm a psychopath but I want to change me for you." „You told me that already but I know that you still killed people when you was in Busan."
He chuckled and nodded.

„I'm back because of you and someone know that I...that I killed Yuna."
My eyes widened and I took a step backwards.

„You lied...You told me that you broke up with her-" „Yeo no...I couldn't tell you that I'm not the one-" „NOT THE ONE YOU PRETENDED TO BE ? Ah yeah I know that already."

„I don't want to fight with you."
I shook my head and went into the living room. He followed me and we sat on the couch.

„Yeo please listen-" I looked at him and bit onto my lip.
„I don't know if I can. I'm scared that you'll kill me..."
I whispered the last sentence and he shook his head.

„Yeo I can't hurt you." „You don't know that."
„Yeo..." „Please leave me alone.."

„I can't ok?" I shook my head and laughed sarcastically.
„Mingi was always right. You're just obsessed with me..."
His eyes widened and he clenched his fists.

„Do you even know how it is to love someone? Ugh Yeo..."
I shook my head and stood up.

„I'm saying it a last time. LEAVE MY APARTMENT!" He shook his head and came closer to me.

He pressed me against a wall and hold my wrists over my head.
I bit onto my lip and I was so nervous.

He noticed that and smiled dangerously.
I was really scared...

„Are you finally scared? Is it that what you want? Ugh Yeo-"
He slapped against the wall and I closed my eyes immediately and quivered.

„You thought I would slap you? You thought I would do it?" He loosened his grip and he shook his head.

„Oh really think that I would do something bad to you...I understand. I'll go now..." He left my apartment and I broke down.

I sat crying on the floor.

Is it my fault?


Thanks for 1k reads❤️

I didn't expect that this story would ever get 1k reads ahhhhh🥺❤️

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