chapter sixteen

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Yeosang's pov.

He wanted to go on a date with me?
„Uh yeah." I didn't even know what I was saying. He smiled and cupped my face.
He kissed me softly and my heart raced so fast.

„We should sleep now..." „Good night Hwa."
„Good night Yeo." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and smiled at me.
He has two sides...
lovable, soft and caring and the other side is creepy...

I closed my eyes and felt that Hwa laid his arm around me.


I woke in the middle of the night up and Hwa still slept. His phone vibrate and I wanted to look who wrote him.
I grabbed his phone and looked on the screen.

I hope you know what you're doing...
You could easily date him but you decided to take the risky way...

Mingi?? The Mingi from my college?!
What does he mean? Is he talking about me?
Does he know that I have something with Seonghwa?
I was so nervous and I hoped that Hwa wouldn't wake up.

I laid his phone away and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and took my phone out of my jacket.
I got a message from Woo and he wrote that he needs to talk with me about San.
I hope they're a couple now...

„Yeo?" I turned around and saw Seonghwa standing in the door. „I woke up..." He smiled and came closer. He hugged me tightly and his body was so warm. I love it to be so close to him.

„Hm your hair smells so good." He whispered into my hair and I smiled. He was so lovable.
„Thank you." I said and kissed his neck.
„Hmh do you know that you're the most beautiful human for me?" I shook my head and he smiled.
„You're really so beautiful. Do you know that it's hard for me not to kiss you?" I shook again my head and he smashed his lips onto mine.

Oh god his lips feel so good. I love it how plump his lips are.
His hands laid on my waist and he pulled me closer to him.
We went back into my bedroom and cuddled us to sleep.
„Oh would hate me...but I need you.." I pretended to sleep and his words made me nervous.

He thinks I would hate me?
For what should I hate him?
Why does he needs me?
I'm so confused...


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