chapter six

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unknown pov.

„please you can't do this!" Huh she doesn't want to die.
„I don't care if you want to live or not."

I hate it so much, it's always the same.
First they want that I fuck them all night long and don't procrastinate but when I put a knife on their neck, they start screaming.
Ugh that's why I normally don't have a relationship.

„Excuse- oh sorry." I sighed and looked into his eyes. „What?"
„I need your help." I don't want to leave her cuz I need to kill her before the night ends.
„Wait for me. I'm not finish." He just nodded and walked out of the room.
I don't want to kill her so easily. I want to have fun while killing her slow.

„What do you want? The knife or the hammer?" She shook her head and tears dropped from her face.
„Oh you don't need to cry. You don't seem to know who I really am. Do you think I love you?" Her eyes widened and she parted her lips.
„Don't kill me." I laughed sarcastically and she wanted to kick me. I put the hammer on her knee and she immediately stopped moving.
„As I told you it won't be a nice dead."
I pounded on her knee and she screamed.
„You're a Psychopath!"

Oh that was the wrong word. I grabbed her face and she tried to move her face but it doesn't worked like she wanted it.
„Oh Yuna, you said something very bad."
I held the knife under her chin and began to slide her skin. I moved the knife down till her chest and she was so panicked.

I cut her shirt and bra and I smiled at her.
„Hm I wanted to kill you slow so enjoy your time with me." She shook her head and I played with her breasts. She chuckled and moaned softly.
„Oh Yuna, You're so dumb. You're even horny when it's your last day."


„Huh that was easy." „What if someone finds her body?" „Ah that won't happen."
„I'm worried."
„Huh it's my problem not yours and now come on you wanted that I help you."
„Uh yeah it's because of Wooyoung, I told him that I'll marry." I laughed and he just looked at me.
„It's serious...he doesn't even answered my call and...and he immediately left me when I told him that I'll still give him my money."
„San you're so dumb. Go and reject that girl."

He sighed and I shook my head.
„I thought you like him." He looked into my eyes and nodded. „Yeah I really like him."

We walked trough the woods and buried her body.
„Uh why do you killed her...I mean I still don't understand you..."
„Ugh San...please let's talk about it when I have enough sleep."
„Oh okay-"

I looked on my phone and got a message from Mingi.

Hey, did you wrote him?
You might be busy but we should meet.

He can wait. San seemed to think about something. „Call him."
„I can't he won't answer." „Do you know his address?" He shook his head and I rolled my eyes.
„Ok then let's go home." He nodded and we sat into my car. I drove him home and went then home.

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