chapter thirty two

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Seonghwa's pov.

I couldn't understand why Yeosang thought I would hurt him.
I can't hurt him.

I sat in my bed and cried. I was angry and sad.

My phone rang and I wiped my tears away.

„Hello?" „Park Seonghwa?"
„Yeah?" „Did you forget me?"

I chuckled it was the person who knows that I killed Yuna.
My heart raced and I was so nervous.

I was completely alone in my villa.
I let the woman, two months ago, go because she couldn't help me and she was thankful that I didn't kill her.

„Oh are you afraid?"
„What do you want?"
„Ah yes, that you leave Seoul."
„I can't."
„Why not? You loosened everything." He laughed and I clenched my fists.

I can't leave Seoul again. I just came back...

„Hm don't you want to say something? Are you sad because of Yeosang?"
I chuckled and I was nervous.

Why does the person knew everything?

„Oh Seonghwa , You're so dumb. You know me not personally but you know me."

„Who are you?"
„Hm why should I tell you that?"

I took a deep breath.

„I'm Jeong Yunho." My heart raced faster.

How could he know that I killed Yuna?

My hands began to shake and he laughed sarcastically.

„I don't want that you do something bad to Yeosang."
„I can't even hurt him."

„You already has hurt him! You hurt his feelings."
I closed my eyes and bit onto my lip.

He was right I hurt his feelings.
I didn't told Yeosang about me and he was sad that I had secrets.

„What do you want me to do?"
„Oh you finally wants to cooperate. As I said I want that you leave Seoul."
„I can't."
„Do you want that I'll go to the police?"
„No because I'll go by myself."

I hung up and put some clothes on.
I went to the police station and talked with a police officer.

I told him everything and he understood clearly what I said.

„So Mr. Park you're killed your girlfriend?"
I nodded and he wrote it down.

Another officer came and shook his head.
„I'm sorry Mr. Park but we can't do anything."

I was speechless. I told them that I killed her and they let me go?

„A person named Choi San gave us a lot of money that we can't put you in prison."
The officer whispered and I shook my head.

„But you don't know if I'll kill someone again."
„I'm sorry Mr. Park we can't do anything."

The second officer brought me out of the police station and I shook my head in disbelief.

Why did San gave them money for something that I did?

I called Yeosang a few times but he didn't answered.

I drove to San and he opened the door immediately.
He just wore a boxer shorts and I rolled my eyes.

„Why did you gave the police money?"
He bit onto his lip and Wooyoung came downstairs.

„Is something with Yeosang? I can't contact him?"
I widened my eyes and looked at Wooyoung.

I cried and they looked at me confused.

„Are you ok?"
„I had an argument with Yeo...and I went to the police station to tell them that I killed Yuna."

„I'm sorry Hwa but I don't want to see you in prison."
„I'm a psychopath!" He shook his head and hugged me but I pushed him away.

„I want to be with Yeo. I tried to call him but he doesn't answered..."

Woo was so nervous.

„He also doesn't answered my calls."

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