chapter twenty seven

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Yeosang's pov.

I was on a party with Woo and my date.
Yeah I have finally someone who I go out with.

It's Yunho (sorry I couldn't think about someone else) we got really close in the last two months and he's very friendly.
He treats me good and he's not like Hwa...

„Do you want to drink something?"
I looked at Yunho and he smiled at me.
„Yes." He went away and came back with two drinks.
We danced and when he touched my waist it felt wrong.
„I need to go to the restroom."

I ran to the restroom and locked the door.
It felt so wrong that he was so close to me even when I knew that he wouldn't do something that I don't want.

I heard footsteps and the door opened.
I was quiet because I didn't knew who it was.
„Fuck." The person punched against a wall and I quivered.
„I'm so dumb." My heart raced so fast and I was afraid that he'll hear my heartbeat.
„I wish that I can turn back the time. What did I thought when I came back?" He laughed and I recognized his voice.

Seonghwa is back. He's back and I was somehow happy but he left me.
I unlocked the door and we stared at each other.

I just looked at him and he saw my tears.
I was so overwhelmed..

He opened his arms and I really wanted to hug him but I couldn't.
„I'm sorry I know I'm not good enough for you. You deserve someone better."

Someone better? Is he really thinking that someone 'better' can heal my heart?

„Yeo can you please say something..."
He was so calm and I knew that I would shout at him when I say something.
„I can't..." I whispered and he smiled sadly.

The door opened and Woo stood there.
He looked at us and grabbed my arm.

„Yunho was searching for you." I nodded and Hwa stood behind us.
„You're dating Yunho?" I turned around and nodded, he sighed.
„I hope he treats you well."
He went away and my heart ached.

I thought he would tell me that he missed me...

We went back to Yunho and San.
Yunho hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.
I felt so uncomfortable in his arms...
I felt someone staring at me and looked in the direction. I looked into Hwa's eyes and he looked away.

He stood there with Mingi and they talked.

I wish I didn't met Hwa. My heart wouldn't have broken and I would still have my virginity...

I don't know why I'm still attracted to Hwa...
I know very well that he's a psychopath.


I'm so motivated in writing this story.

Ah btw if you're reading my other story  vampire's servant I really try to update but I don't have a lot of motivation to write it.

Thanks for almost 1k reads🌱

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