chapter twelve

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Wooyoung's pov.

I noticed that Yeo couldn't concentrates on class. He just drew into his block and looked out of the window. He was in thoughts.
I sighed and tap onto his shoulder. He looked with widened eyes at me and took a deep breath.
„Stop drawing." he shook his head, he turned away and continued drawing into his block.

I shook my head and grabbed his block.
He doesn't only drew, he also wrote his thoughts onto it.

Seonghwa drives me crazy

I wish I didn't met him

Yeosang grabbed the block and his face turned red. he was uncomfortable that I read that. He wasn't sure what he should think about Seonghwa. His block was full of those thoughts.

„I want to go home..." I stood up and grabbed his hand. We walked together to his home and packed some of his clothes. He wasn't able to live alone since yesterday.
I really want to know why Seonghwa wanted to visit him or why he even has his number.
It's not normal, he seems to be obsessed with Yeosang or something like that.

We walked to my apartment and I opened the door. „Can I take a shower?" I nodded and he took some clothes and went into my bathroom. I really want to talk with Yeosang about San but he had his own problems.
I sat on the couch and grabbed my phone.
I didn't got a message but that was ok because I wanted to be there for Yeo.

Yeo was a long time in the bathroom and when he came outside his eyes were red. He definitely had cried. „Are you hungry?" he nodded and I made him something to eat.

„Woo, you're phone.", he said and came with it into the kitchen. It was San but I don't wanted to answer. „I don't have time to talk with him. You're my best friend so you're more important than him." He smiled and took the plate.

He was still in thoughts and I want to know why he doesn't told me about his thoughts or what he feels.
He just ate and cuddled himself into the blanket. I knew that something was wrong with him. His phone was turned off.

„Yeo?" He looked at me and I sat next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. „I know that there's something that makes you think a lot." He nodded softly and bit onto his lips. He hold the blanket tight and his veins popped out. He was nervous. Perhaps because that I would find it out.
„I can't talk about it..." I shook my head.
„Come on tell me about it." „I really want but I can't...please understand that..."
he was close to tears. Was it so dramatic that he behaved like that?


Huh somehow I really like this Story.

I'm obsessed with 'Still here' ugh.🥺🌱

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