chapter twenty five

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Yeosang's pov.

I was unable to say something.
I knew he doesn't love me...

San grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.
Mingi stood up and shook laughing his head.

„Do you think he loves you? Hwa I told him everything he doesn't love you."
Hwa gulped and I looked away.

Yeah we had a beautiful time together but...but he just played with me.
I fell for him but I can't be in a relationship with him.

I love him, I really do but I can't understand why he's a psychopath...
I doesn't expected that...

Hwa shook his head and came closer.
„Yeo please let us talk."

I shook my head and felt that my eyes gonna be wet.
I was sad.

„Yeo please...I love you."
I broke down and everything was black.


„He isn't in a good condition...He shouldn't meet Hwa anymore. It's not good for his health. Just look what happened."
„Yeo broke down because of him."

I heard voices and I opened my eyes.
I was in Mingi's apartment and my heart raced so fast.
I was nervous...

„He woke up."
I looked at Woo who sat next to me on the bed.
„Are you ok?" I just nodded and began to cry.

I wasn't ok.
I felt empty.
I wanted to lay in Hwa's arms but...

Woo stroke my hand and smiled sadly.
„It'll be better." I shook my head and wanted to stood up but Woo doesn't let me.

„You need to lay down. You broke down Yeo it's not funny." I sighed and turned away.
I was mad.

„How are you?" I ignored Mingi.
I ignored Woo and I also ignored San.

I ignored everyone.

„Do you-" „Go away!"
Mingi sighed and went out of the room.

I was alone and I don't wanted to be alone.
Everything was confusing.

I don't wanted to see Hwa anymore but I also wanted to be with him...
I miss him.

I looked out of the window and the sun shined brightly.
I wanted to go outside.

The door opened and I looked at Woo.
„Can we talk?" I sighed and nodded.
He sat next to me on the bed and gave me some cookies which he ate together.

„Hwa called San to ask how you are...I know that you love him." I shook my head and looked away.
He was right I love Hwa but he isn't good for me and I know that but otherwise I want to be with him.

„Yeo...?" I looked at the door and Hwa stood there.
„Can we talk?" I shook my head and covered my face with my hands.

„You may not love me but I want to say you that I'll leave the city...I talked with Mingi and it's better if we don't see us again. It's not good for you...I'm not good for you..."

I wanted to look at him but he was gone.

Did he left me that easy?

I thought he loves me...ah yeah he's just obsessed with me...

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