chapter seventeen

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Seonghwa's pov.

Somehow I felt bad that I'm such a bad person...
I like I love him...
He fell asleep into my arm and I couldn't stop looking at him.

I fell asleep.


I felt kisses on my neck and I opened my eyes.
Yeo laid over me and kissed me. He looked deep into my eyes and smiled shyly.
„Good morning Yeo." He gulped, perhaps it was because of my morning voice.
„Good morning Hwa." I kissed him softly and he smiled.

We ate breakfast together and I got ready because I needed to change my clothes at home before I'll go out with Yeo.
I want to have a romantic date with him and I hope that he likes it.

„I'm going now. Ah and Yeo unblock me." I winked and his face turned red.
I walked out of his apartment and to my car.
I sat into it and grabbed my laptop.
I looked if they cams worked and I was shocked when I saw that Yeo picked my phone up.
He read Mingi's message...

I sighed and drove in a faster speed home.
I ran into my villa and took a hot shower.
It was so overwhelming that he read it...what if he doesn't likes me anymore...?

I'm so afraid that I'll loose him...
He can't leave me...
I need him...

I went out of the shower and put a towel over my hips and went into my bedroom.
I let the towel down and grabbed a boxer shorts out of my wardrobe.
I decided to wear a black shirt and a black jeans. I love it to wear black.
I brushed my hair and sighed.

I hope he'll like it.
I opened my laptop and watched him.
He just wore a boxer shorts and he looked so attractive. His blonde hair was wet.
He couldn't decide between a white or a black shirt.
He dropped both of the shirts on the ground and sat onto his bed.
Tears dropped from his eyes and I chuckled.

Why is he crying? Because of me?
Oh shit please I hope he won't reject me.
I love him...

I closed my laptop and wrote him.

Hey Yeo, I'll pick you up at 6 pm.

He doesn't answered me but it was ok.
I don't wanted to look after him through the cams cuz he was sad and that probably because of me...

I grabbed my stuff and sat into my car.
I wanted to surprise Yeo...
I wanted to show him how important he is for me...

I drove to a flower shop and went into it.
„Hello." „Oh hello."
„I want 30 red roses." „For the love of your life?" The elder lady was quite friendly and I nodded softly.
„Can I ask you if it's a boy or a girl...I met a lot people who prefer the same gender as them..." I told her about Yeosang and she smiled.
„He seems to be very lucky." „Oh I don't think that...I'm the one who can be lucky." I told her and she smiled. She gave me the roses and I said goodbye.

I hope Yeo likes red roses...


Ok ok why am I updating so much today?👀

Uff I love this story hehe

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