chapter thirty seven

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Yeosang's' pov.

I was so relieved that Hwa is my boyfriend now.

I was so happy.

Hwa got a call from the police that Yunho is now in prison and we both were so relieved that it's over now.

We laid together in his bed and he kissed my neck.

„Hm what do you think about that I'll make a therapy yk because uh of what I did?"
I looked at him and he was nervous.

I smiled at him and I was so happy that Hwa really wants to be a better person for me.

I kissed his lips softly and he smiled at me.

„I love you so much and I'm happy that you thought about it."
„Uh baby I love you too and I just do it because I don't want to loose you."

We cuddled till the doorbell rang and Hwa groaned.
„I hope it's not Mingi..." He stood up and opened the door.

„Hi uh did you heard something because of Yunho?" „Why?"

„I texted with Joong and told him about everything what you said and uh..."
„What? Do you like Joongie?" He shook his head and bit onto his lip.

„Don't tell me that you still like Yunho?"
„He's my best friend and uh I caught feelings for him."

I rolled my eyes and hugged Hwa from behind.
„Oh hi Yeo." I just smiled at Mingi and Hwa sighed.

„Yunho is in prison." His eyes widened and he nodded.
„If you like him why don't you visit him?" He looked at me and smiled softly.
„Yeo-" „Hwa if he likes him then he should tell him about his feelings or Yunho will never know that someone likes him."

Hwa nodded and we went into the kitchen.
Hwa made breakfast and Mingi ate with us.


I met with Woo and we talked about everything.

„I'm really sorry for what I said..." „Ah you don't need to be. We should forget it and enjoy our lives now."
We laughed and drank our coffees in a small Café.

„So Hwa wants to make a therapy?"
I nodded and Woo smiled at me.

„I didn't thought that he really loves you but I was wrong." I smiled at Woo and we talked a lot more.

Hwa was with San and Joong and he wants to close his club because a lot of bad things happened there.

Hwa told me that he wants to open a new club but he's not sure.

„Hey baby." I turned around and Hwa stood there with roses in his hand.
He smiled at me and I hugged him tightly.

„Thank you so much Hwa." He kissed my lips softly and I kissed him back.
My heart began to flutter.

Woo rolled his eyes and told me that he'll go now.

„I have a surprise for you." I looked at him and we went back home.

I moved into his villa and I was so happy with him.

„We'll travel to Paris." He showed me the tickets and I gasped.
I kissed him passionately.

I never thought that I would ever have someone by my side who makes me that happy.


That's the last chapter for them but I'll update a Yungi chapter later because why not 🥺🥲

Ah I can't believe that the story is almost over.
There'll just be a Yungi chapter which I'll post later🥲

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