chapter thirty four

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Yeosang's pov.

I was relieved that I didn't died.

I was so afraid that I'll die because of him.

Hwa still hold my hand tightly and Woo and San came into my room.

„Omg omg I was so nervous! You didn't answered my calls!" Woo hugged me and Hwa rolled his eyes.

„What happened? Why did you loose so much blood?"

I shook my head and grabbed Hwa's hand.
He looked at me and understand that I can't talk about it.

„You can't talk about it right?" I nodded and Woo smiled.
„I'm just so happy that you're alive. You're my best friend and I'm so sorry for all the bad things I said in the past..." I smiled at him and he left me alone with Hwa.

„Can we talk?" He was surprised but nodded softly.
I wanted to cuddle with him but I can't.

„I'm sorry that I said these things..."
„Baby it's ok." „Baby?" He bit onto his lip and nodded softly.
„Yeo..." „No call me baby it's cute."
He kissed my forehead and smiled.

„You're not mad at me anymore?"
I shook my head and pulled him closer to me.
„I provoked you." I looked away and he cupped my face.

„And it was bad from me to push you against a wall." He pecked my lips and we kissed us softly.

„I'll tell you about everything I did when you're out of the hospital ok?" I nodded and he smiled.

„I'm sorry for saying that you don't love me..."
„Baby, it's ok we both were mad but I hope you know that I love you because I really do."
I smiled and my cheeks turned red.
„I love you too Hwa."

„I'll tell you about what had happened in my apartment..." he nodded and I told him everything.


I cried so much because I don't wanted that Hwa leaves my apartment.
I sat on the ground till the doorbell rang.

I thought it was Hwa so I opened the door but Yunho stood there with a smile on his lips.

„Did you cried?" I nodded and wiped my tears away.
He pulled me in a hug and stroke my back.

I didn't knew what he wanted, yeah we're dating but why didn't he call me?

„You cried because of Seonghwa right? Oh Yeo you're so naive." I shook my head and was confused.

„What do you want?" „I know very well that you slept with Seonghwa and that's not the problem I have. I slept with Mingi and you know that but my problem is that is Seonghwa."
He came closer and I stood with my back at the wall.

„Yunho? Why are you like that?"
„Oh you don't have an idea."
I shook my head and felt tears falling down.

I don't wanted to cry.
He pulled a knife out of his jacket and smiled dangerously.

I was scared that I'll never see Hwa again.
I was mad at myself for being mean to him.
That I didn't even tried to understand him.

He came closer and hold the knife under my chin.

„Hwa wants to go to the police station and wants to tell them that he killed Yuna. I blackmailed him but he had other plans. I wanted you for me but when I can't have you then shouldn't Seonghwa have you either."

I chuckled and I felt blood flow down from my neck.

My hands were shaking and Yunho enjoyed it.

He stabbed the knife a few more times in my body and everything went black.

End of flashback

„Omg Baby I'm here and I won't leave you alone. Who knows what would happen if I leave you now. We'll definitely go to the police."

He stayed the whole night by me and I was thankful. He was worried about me.

He laid next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.


It'll probably just have a few more chapters🥺❤️

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