chapter ten

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Yeosang's pov.

„Are you ok?" Huh, ok? I'm not ok!
„Yeosang?" I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bus station. I sat on the bench and Woo just looked at me, he was confused.
„Are you-" „No im not ok!" His eyes widened and he wanted to say something but he just nodded. He bit onto his lip and sat next to me. We waited for the bus.


All the way to the college we didn't talk. He looked at me and often parted his lips but then he just breathed. We went out of the bus and walked over the campus. It was loud there.

„I'm sorry." I looked at woo and I shook my head. „No I'm sorry...I don't wanted to shout at you..." „It's because of Seonghwa right?" I nodded yeah I don't felt good bcs of Seonghwa. How does he even came into my apartment? Shit...the key under the mat.
„I talked with San..." I looked at him and he blushed a bit. Was he nervous?
„Isn't it good?" „It's good but he...he wants to cheat on his fiancé...uh Idk what I should do..." I took a deep breath and smiled at him.
„Yk Seonghwa cheated with me on his girlfriend and he would still do it." He nodded and sighed. „I like San..."
„I know."

„Did you heard Shin Yuna is missing since a few days?" „Oh I heard Yuna is missing." „Shin Yuna is missing?" (...)

I was so confused a lot of people talked about a girl and I didn't knew what was the problem. I mean a lot of girls are missing so why is it something different with her.
I looked at Woo and he chuckled.
„She's Seonghwa's girlfriend..." my eyes widened and my throat was dry.
„His girlfriend...", I mumbled and I had a lot of thoughts.

„What do you think happened to her?" „Hm Idk but she left the party could be that she got kidnapped. A lot of people are knowing that she's Seonghwa's girlfriend and Seonghwa is popular." I nodded and sighed softly.
„I think I shouldn't answer him anymore...should I block him?" „Ugh I don't know what if he comes to your apartment again?" „I don't know...Can I move into your apartment?" He laughed and nodded.
„But just for a few days...I don't know what I'll do with San yk."

I decided to block Seonghwa and turned my phone off. Woo and I walked into the building and were on the way to our class when a taller guy bumped into us. „Yahhh don't look on your phone!!!" Woo was so mad at him because he almost dropped his phone.
„I'm sorry...",the red haired guy answered.
I don't really like him and he just has a friend named Yunho, they're best friends but he is the weird one.
Yunho isn't weird and I really want to know why they're even friends.
I shook my head and walked with Woo into the classroom.
I rested my head on the table and began to draw something into my block.


Yay I had enough motivation to write today! 🌱

Anyways I miss Mingi so much ugh🥲

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