chapter twenty

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Yeosang's pov.

Seonghwa was so cute. We went out to eat ice cream. I always wanted to eat ice cream with someone I like...yeah I like him...more than I should.

The date with him was very beautiful and he distracted me a lot.
We went eating ice cream. We walked trough the park and we enjoyed the day together.
We hold hands and he kissed me often.

My heart always races so fast when I'm with him.
Idk what it is but I like him...

I'm afraid that I'll loose Woo...
I can't understand it, I mean I don't say anything when he's talking about San but he wants that I don't see Hwa?
I can understand that he doesn't feel good about the fact that Hwa scared me but he doesn't know how Hwa is...

„Hm Yeo." I looked in Hwa's face and he smiled. I was happy that he stayed with me.
We cuddled us to sleep last night and I just love it to lay on his chest.
His body is so warm and comfortable to lay on it.

„Good morning Hwa." He smiled brightly and cupped my face. „You're so beautiful."
My heart raced and I was sure that my face turned red.
Everytime he give me compliments my face turns red...

His phone rang and he sighed. He looked annoyed.
I want to kiss him...
„Sorry Yeo, it's important..." he stood up and walked out of my room, perhaps he went on the balcony.
I stayed in my bed and smelled on the pillow.
Ugh Hwa smells so good...

I closed my eyes for a bit and waited for Hwa.
I heard that he was mad but I couldn't understand what he clearly said.

The door opened and Hwa put his phone on the desk. He was definitely angry.
I stood up and hugged him tightly.
He immediately relaxed and sighed softly.

„Yeo, I need to's because of the club."
I don't wanted that he leaves me alone but I could understand that. I also need to go to college. I skipped my classes the whole week...

I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
„I promise you that we'll see us tomorrow."
I smiled and kissed him...yes I kissed him because I wanted to feel his lips on mine...

He smiled and put his clothes on.
„I'll go now ok, you can text me." I just nodded and he left my apartment, I was alone...
I sighed and got ready for college.
I packed my bag and walked to a coffee shop where I bought an americano.

I walked relaxed to the college and I saw Woo.
I wanted to talk with him but he stood there with Yunho and Mingi? Mingi!
I ignored them and entered the building.
I went to my classroom and sat on my place.

I looked out of the window and saw Woo still standing there with Yunho and Mingi.
I wasn't sure why he was with them especially with Mingi.
If he's really the one who texted Hwa than he could tell Woo about me and Hwa...

I wasn't sure what I should do. It rang and the class began. The professor came into the class and started with the class.
The door opened and Woo came in, he was late...he was never late...
He ignored me and sat in the last row, he doesn't even wanted to sit next to me...

In the break he was with Mingi and Yunho.
I sat alone on a bench and it was too much for me. I started crying and people looked at me so I went to the toilet and locked the cabine.
I just wanted to be alone...

I cried and suddenly I heard footsteps...
„Yeo? I know that you're here...we need to talk about Hwa..." My heart raced and I wasn't sure what he wanted.
Why does he want to talk with me?

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