chapter thirty eight

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Mingi's pov.

I immediately drove to the prison after the breakfast with Yeo and Hwa.

I was so nervous and kinda scared what would happen.

I wanted to tell Yunho that I really like him even when he wanted to kill Yeo...

„Hello I want to visit Jeong Yunho." The elder man nodded and went with me to the room where I should wait for him.

I waited for Yunho and my heart raced so fast.
I was so nervous.

The door opened after a while and I turned around. I looked directly into Yunho's eyes and he in mine.

„Mingi?" I nodded and he sat in front of me.

I wasn't allowed to hug him or smth else so we just sat in front of each other.

„Why are you here?" I sighed and looked away.

How should I tell him that I like him more than he would think I do.

„Uh I heard from Yeosang that uh...that you're in prison..."
„Oh he's alive...No one told me if he died or not and I regret it that I tried to kill him...I couldn't think clearly about what I was doing in that moment. Can you say that to him?"

I nodded and he smiled.

„I'm sorry Mingi that I didn't texted you after our one night stand."
My heart ached and I chuckled.

It was just a one nights stand for him?

I nodded softly and wanted to stood up.
„I don't regret the sex. Ugh Mingi I always wanted to tell you that I like you more than friends but you just had something with girls so I didn't thought that you would like it to have sex with me but I really enjoyed it when we had sex and I was happy."

I looked at him and I smiled softly.
„I'm here because I want to tell you that I caught feelings for you."
He smiled at me and my heart raced.

„You're not angry at me of what I did?"
I shook my head and he nodded.

„I'm happy that you're're the first one who visits me." I smiled and I wanted to hold his hand.

„How long do you need to stay here?"
He sighed and smiled softly.
„Not very long...If I'm lucky then I come out in 2 years but when I'm unlucky I need to stay here 7 years."

I don't wanted that he stays here so long.
I want to be with him.

„Ugh Mingi?" I looked at him and he smiled.
„Can you visit me often? I like it to talk with you." I sighed and nodded softly.

„When I'm out we'll go on a date. I promise it." I smiled at him and my heart raced at his words faster.

He really wants to date me?

„I'll wait for the day-"

„The time is up." The guard disturbed us and I nodded.

„I'll visit you again. We see us and don't forget me." He laughed softly and shook his head.

„I need to say that. Don't forget me, we'll go on a date when I'm free." I smiled at him and went out of the room.
I waved at him and he waved back.

My heart raced so fast and I couldn't believe it.
He's in prison but I don't have a problem with it.
He regrets what he did so why should I hate him, yes Yeo is a good friend but I love Yunho.

Yes I love Jeong Yunho and I'll wait for him.


Ahhhhhhhh that's the end...🥺💔

Thanks for everyone who read this story it means a lot to me.🥺❤️

I'll write soon a Minjoong ff so yeahhh🥺

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