chapter nineteen

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Seonghwa's pov.

I was on the way to Yeosang. I wanted to surprise him.
It was 4 pm but I didn't cared.
I parked my car and saw that Wooyoung ran out of the building.
He seemed to be angry and I was curious...

I rang the doorbell and Yeosang opened the door. His face was wet and his eyes red.
He definitely has cried. I still held the roses in my hand and he looked at the roses.
„Are they for me?" I nodded and gave him the roses. He bit onto his lip and hugged me tightly.

„Why are you crying hm?" „I had an argument with Woo...he was worried because he saw that...ah it doesn't matter..."
„He saw that I called you?" He nodded and I wiped his tears away.
„He was angry...because I told him that you scared me..." I pat his head and he stopped crying.

„I'm not feeling ok to go on a date." He mumbled and I smiled.
„It's nothing serious and it'll be funny."
„Hm I'm not sure..."
„You want that Woo's here right?"
He shook his head and laid his head in the crook of my neck.
„I'll put the roses in a vase." I nodded and he went into the kitchen.
He filled the vase with water und put the roses into it.

I sat on the couch and he came and sat next to me. I laid my arm around him and he smiled softly at me.
„So you don't want to go out with me?"
He sighed and bit onto his lip.
„I can distract you from your thoughts..."
He sat on my lap and kissed me.

I was a bit shocked that he kissed me but I kissed back. I laid my hand on his ass and he moaned softly.
„Ok then distract me." He whispered and bit into my bottom lip. I let out a moan and he smirked.

„Hm Yeo that wasn't what I meant with distracting." I moaned and he shook his head.
„I don't care." I shook my head and stopped kissing him. I pushed him on his back on the couch and kissed his jaw.
„I have something planned."
I told him and his eyes widened. He was interested in that.

„Put your shoes on and we can go."
He nodded and stood up to put his shoes on.
I grabbed his hand and we walked to my car.

„Where are we going?" „It's a secret." He pouted and hold my hand. I liked it that he wanted to hold my hand while we're driving.

„There we are." His eyes widened and he smiled. I wanted to go with him to eat ice cream so I drove to my favorite ice cream shop. We went into the shop and ordered our ice after that we walked through the park.

A lot of blossoms fell onto us and Yeo smiled.
He still hold my hand and I was sure that I'll never let him go...
He's the one I want...
I hope he won't hate me when he finds out that I'm not the one he thinks I am.


I'm so bored hahah

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