chapter twenty two

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Yeosang's pov.

„I can't believe it." Mingi nodded and sighed.
„He has a lot of secrets."
I bit onto my lip and looked out of the window.

„He has a key to my apartment..."
„I know." I looked at him and he smiled.
„You should talk with Woo. Uh and you shouldn't go home...I know you don't know me but you can live at my apartment."
„Why can't I go home?" „Hwa installed Cameras..."

My eyes widened and I couldn't say anything.
He filmed while we had sex...

I wasn't feeling good.
„Why are you telling me about that?"
„Hm because I don't want that you're the next..."
„Hwa is a psychopath...He kills people..."

I chuckled and Mingi gave me a bottle of water.
„Don't worry I won't do anything. I just don't want that Hwa kills you. He never was in love before and since he's obsessed with you I don't know what he'll do."
I nodded and drank water.

I put my bag on away and buckled on.
Mingi drove to his apartment and it was pretty.
His apartment was prettier than mine.

„I don't have clothes..."
„Woo will bring you some."
I sat on the couch and Mingi made us something to eat.

He told me that he can't cook very well but it's edible. He made pancakes and tbh they were really good.

We watched TV together and we talked a lot.
I told him that he's very friendly and he smiled softly.

The doorbell rang and Mingi went to the door.
Woo came into the living room with San.
San is a friend of Hwa...

„Here some clothes." Woo laid them on the couch and sat next to me.
„You also know that..." „San told me about it when he got a message from Mingi that you're here."
„It's not safe at his apartment." San said and looked at Woo.

„I can't understand Hwa." San sighed and bit onto his lip.
„Give me your phone." I gave Mingi my phone and he pulled my SIM card put of it.
„You need a new phone. I'll buy you one when I'm meeting Yunho later. San and Woo will stay with you till I'm back."
I nodded and Mingi put his coat on.

„We'll see us later." He left the apartment.
„Is Hwa dangerous?" San sighed and nodded slightly.
„He is and I'm sure that he'll be angry when he can't contact you. You need to know that Hongjoong, Mingi and I are his friends and we always helped him but we all don't want that you get hurt."

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