chapter eight

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Yeosang's pov.

I felt how my heart raced and I couldn't concentrate me on my breath.
It still knocked on the door and I sat now in my wardrobe. I was too scared that he'll break into my apartment.

„Yeosang!" I don't know what he wanted but I was too scared.
My phone vibrate and I saw that Woo was calling me.

W: Are you ok?
Y: I'm scared he's still there. I'm sitting in my wardrobe
W: I would come but I also don't know what he wants
Y: it's ok. I just want that he goes away.
W: I need to hang up...

He just hang up and left me alone. I sobbed because I was too scared...
I just want that he leaves the building.


I opened my eyes and my back hurts so much. I fell asleep in the wardrobe last night and Seonghwa doesn't went away.
I still don't know if he's there but I need to go to college.
I stood up and took some clothes.
I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower.
I grabbed a towel and put it on my hips.

I put my clothes on and walked into the living room, what I saw there let me quiver.
„Hello Yeosang." I thought it was an illusion but he was really there, sitting on my couch.
He wore a black silk shirt and a black jeans.
„What-" My heart pounded again and I walked into the kitchen, it was a mistake cuz he followed me. I grabbed a knife but it doesn't seemed to bother him.
„Do you really think you can hurt me with that?" I looked down and he grabbed the knife.

„Please leave..." „You wish, I missed you."
I tried to walk out of the kitchen but he pushed me against the kitchen counter. His pelvis was against mine and he stared into my eyes.
„Wha-" He smashed his lips onto mine but I pushed him away.

He laughed and shook his head. „Do you know how hard it was to find out where you live? Do you think it was just a one night stand for me?" I gulped and he came closer.
Unfortunately my phone was laying in my bedroom...

He cupped my face and licked over his pretty lips, his lips are so plump.
I looked away but then I felt his lips on my neck.
„Just to let you know, if you want to tell someone about us...ah it would be better if it's a secret..." he confused me so much.
He's so weird but also so interesting.

I don't know why I'm scared of him but I'm also very interested in what he wants because he's so mysterious...

„I'll leave now...we see us." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and left my apartment like he wasn't even here...

I ran into my bedroom and grabbed my bag and my phone. I put my jacket and my shoes on and ran downstairs.
Woo was already standing there and was about to ring the doorbell.
He looked with a confused face at me but I wasn't able to talk cuz I saw Seonghwa standing in front of a black car.
He observed me...


Uh idk what it is...

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