chapter thirty three

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Seonghwa's pov.

I decided to drove with Wooyoung and San to Yeosang's apartment.

I still had a key to his apartment but I rang the doorbell.
He doesn't opened the door so I opened the door with the key I had.

We went in and everything was dark and it was quiet.
„Yeo?" Wooyoung held San's hand tightly and I chuckled.

Woo went into the bedroom and it was empty.
I went into the bathroom and I screamed.

San and Woo came directly to the bathroom and they gasped.
Yeo laid in the bathtub and he loosened a lot of blood.

I kneeled next to the bathtub.
„Baby? Yeo? Please don't leave me."

San called an ambulance and Yeo was taken to the hospital.

I was so afraid that I'll loose him.


I sat with San and Woo in front of Yeosang's room and waited till the doctor came out.

I cried so much and my hands shook.

„Mr. Park?" I looked at the doctor and he gulped.

„You're his boyfriend so it would be better if you're the one who visits him first."
I nodded and I was nervous in what condition Yeo was.
I lied to the doctor but that doesn't mattered now...

I walked into the room and Yeo laid on the bed. His eyes were closed.

I sat next to him on his bed and stroke his hair out of his face.
„Yeo? I'm so sorry. It's all my fault...Probably it's better if we won't see us ever again..."

I closed my eyes and stood up. Woo came in and put the roses ,which I bought for Yeo, on the table next to his bed.

Woo smiled softly at me and went out of the room.

„I'll go now...I'm really not good for you and I realized that we can't be together..." I cried so much and I looked at Yeo.
His cheeks were wet and his eyes opened slowly.

„Hwa please don't leave me...It's not your fault..." We looked deep into each other's eyes and I sat back next to him.

I grabbed his hand and sighed.

„I thought you would die..." He shook his head and we both were crying so much.
„I'm here Hwa...I won't leave you and please don't leave me."

I kissed I'm softly and he kissed me back.



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