chapter four

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Yeosang's pov.

Seonghwa let me feel so good and I couldn't resist than let him fucking me. I knew it escalated so much but he was so attractive and the fact that he knew what he wants is also very attractive. Damn but I'm so dumb.

He came inside me and he laid next to me.
„Wow that was so good." He looked at me with a big smile and his eyes sparkled.
Fuck, he's so beautiful. My heart raced faster and he just smiled at me.

„So do you regret it?", he asked and I shook my head. It feels like that I'm in his ban. I couldn't stop looking at him and then he kissed me passionately. I really wanted to look at his length but I was afraid that he would think that I'm a pervert. „Oh really? Me too. I never had such good sex like I had with you.",he told me and my face turned red. He smiled and stroke my hair behind my ears. „Damn Yeo, you're really beautiful.",he whispered and kissed my neck. I moaned softly and I could feel his smirk.

He kissed my forehead and stood up.
„What-" „I'm the owner of the club. I need to work." He put his clothes on and winked. He left the room.
I still laid on the couch and took a deep breath before I also put my clothes on.
I looked at my phone and saw that Wooyoung wrote me. I had a bad feeling and when I walked in the direction of the bar, Hongjoong called me and told me that I should call Woo.

I stepped out of the club and called Woo.
I was scared because he doesn't answered immediately but then I heard his voice.
„Can you come to me?",he asked and I heard how weak his voice was. Did he cried?
„Sure, I'm on the way.",i answered him and walked in a faster speed to his apartment.

I rang the doorbell and he opened the door. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet, he really has cried. „Oh my god, I'm such a bad friend..." „You're not...I left you so..." I hugged him and he began to cry. „Do you want something to drink?" I nodded and he walked into the kitchen. He came back into the living room with a bottle of water and two glasses. We sat on the couch and he put the TV on. „Do you want to talk?" He wasn't sure if he wants to tell me about it but he nodded.

„San...San said..." He wasn't able to talk. The tears dropped from his eyes like waterfalls. I wiped them away and he forced himself to smile. He took a deep breath. „San said that he doesn't want to see me again...he'll still give me money but I don't want it when I can't meet him..." Oh wow he couldn't even tell him about his feelings for him. Poor Woo.
I cuddled with him and he still cried. „He's and asshole. He's dumb when he doesn't want you." „He'll marry someone..." I widened my eyes and looked at Woo. He just nodded and I felt so bad for him. I wanted to tell him about what happened with Seonghwa but I don't felt good when Woo's sad.

„You can sleep here if you want..." I'm sure he's afraid that I'll leave him too but I won't leave cuz he's my best friend. I nodded and he laid his head on my shoulder and we fell asleep on the couch.

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