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"Good morning to my beautiful girlfriend! You're looking good in the manager outfit

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"Good morning to my beautiful girlfriend! You're looking good in the manager outfit. Come give me my 'good morning' kiss."

"Good morning, Tetsurou." Yukimi turned her head a little and let Kuroo kiss her cheek, the boy not forgetting to wrap his arms around her and swaying her to an imaginary beat that made giggles erupt from the dark-haired girl. "Seems like someone is eager to face the semifinals."

Kuroo's face turned pensive as he stared at his girlfriend, a grin slowly creeping on his lips. "Well, we're finally a step away from the nationals." He affectionately squeezed Yukimi in his arms and gushed out compliments, some of them along with the words of looking fresh at such an early hour. (Note, it's nearing eight-thirty in the morning and the opening ceremony of the semifinals starts at nine so it's not that early but Yukimi let him be.)

"Two steps," Kenma interjected from beside the two, his gaze fixated on his gaming console as they waited for the others to board the bus. "Two steps because we still have to face the other winning team. That is if we win against the team we're in a match with during the semifinals."

"Hey, what did we say about being pessimistic, Kenma!" Taketora materialized from the front of the bus, hands clutching the cooler before muttering under his breath, "How does kirei-senpai carry this like it's nothing?"

In actuality, Kenma wasn't pessimistic.

The first match welcoming Nekoma in the Tokyo qualifiers was akin to a life-or-death situation. It was a long time since their team played an official game along with this school, a game that's more than one set and a game without running up the hills as a punishment. The punishment, in this case, would be going back to the losing bracket, wherein they would play against the other losing team to earn that spot for the nationals. That particular school that seemed to ensconce the Nekoma volleyball club in coils of cold nervousness was the home of the golden owls ー Fukurodani. The moment they were presented with the list of matches the other day, Kuroo had to stare at the piece of paper again to ensure that his vision wasn't playing with him. It made the captain vibrate in excitement, that he can admit, but he had to swallow down the gulp of nerves itching in his throat.

"Realistic is the correct term if we're being honest," Kai laughed, putting on his jacket. "We couldn't even deny we're all nervous for this day."

"How about this?" Yaku announced. "When we win a spot for the nationals, the captain will be treating the whole team, including the coaches and Yuki-chan, to dinner!" He took note of the absence of their temporary vice-manager, Hikari, since she never told her parents of her position in the club, and going to the Tokyo Representatives Playoffs will only fuel the fire, which will expose her to her family.


Shibayama placed a hand on top of his chest, releasing a sigh of relief. "Good thing I won't be wasting my money today. I'm planning on saving for the holiday season."

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