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A dreadful word in every student's vocabulary.

Once you fail just one subject, the next thing you'll experience are supplementary lessons and exams which will wedge itself in your already packed schedule, given if you have a club in one of your priorities. Each exam covers half of your final grade in the midterms, which is quite a heavy portion if you don't want to fail. Now with one week to spare for midterms, every student is seen racking their brains and dedicating their time in studying ( whether it be in their homes or in school during vacant periods ). The school wouldn't even take the excuse of having not enough time if you flunk because the administration offered a week free of club activities and extra-curricular before the exam days.

In Metropolitan Nekoma High, there were only a few students who topped the exams with perfect scores since they were first-years. The student council president is one of them and even some presidents of other clubs, but in actuality, one of the top-scorers displayed a laidback and carefree attitude that intimidated some students.

Kuroo's mind couldn't grasp the many reviewers and highlighted textbooks he had lain in front of him as he still continued to recapture his conversation with Yukimi a few days ago. That was the last conversation he had with the short-haired girl and it worried him that he scared her off. Since club activities have been suspended for the week for exams, Kuroo never had a moment alone with Yukimi since the day she confessed to Romio, which was at the start of the week. The girl would always immediately go out of the classroom every dismissal, leaving behind a gaping Kuroo.

But he was so sure that something has shifted between them that day.

It all sprang when Kuroo and Kenma kept true to their promise of walking her home, even though their houses are not that close to each other, with the two boys' neighborhood a few streets apart from Yukimi's. As they were walking up a rather steep street, with Kenma insisting that he will be a few paces behind them, Kuroo chose to look up to the stars dotting the sky while Yukimi patiently waited for her familiar house to appear. The tall lad silently thanked her for the silence until Yukimi announced that they already arrived in front of her house. Kuroo was slightly bummed that their time together was cut short but once he saw the grateful glint and warm smile of Yukimi, every negative thought vanished from his mind.

Maybe it was just in the spur of a moment reaction. Or it could be that his declaration still felt so raw within him. But one thing was certain — he didn't even think for a second when he leaned towards Yukimi, planting a tender kiss on her cheek.

Growling under his breath as he abrasively ran his hand through his already messy hair, Kuroo's face morphed into aggravation as he read through his notes on Biology. Just looking at his notes made him remember Yukimi's own organized and eye-pleasing ones and it frustrated him even further, making him huff under his breath with a cross look on his face.

"If you want to be annoying like that, you know the way to the door," Kenma dryly told him, his eyes disapprovingly set on his childhood best friend while his own revisions remained blank.

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