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Natsumi didn't want to lose her daughter just yet.

It felt like a recurring nightmare when she saw Yukimi lying on her bedroom floor, shaking because of a seizure with her eyes glassy and unfocused at the ceiling dotted with glow-in-the-dark star stickers. At first, she didn't want to believe her eyes at the image splayed out in front of her but when she saw the empty bottle of antidepressants clutched in her daughter's hand, she felt like screaming. The older woman immediately went to her daughter who was on the verge of losing her life, shouting her name painfully countless times as if it was a mantra to bring the younger girl back to consciousness. It was getting hard to breathe with the sobs mingling with her voice as her hands sloppily pushed the emergency dial to inform their situation to the nearest hospital, which was thirty minutes away from their neighborhood.

"Yuki-chan!" Natsumi yelled, pulling her daughter closer to her as she waited for the ambulance to arrive in their home, her face wet with tears that seemed to constantly flow. Biting her lip in agitation, she ducked down to place her lips firmly on the crown of Yukimi's head, murmuring, "Mommy's here. Everything will be fine. You will be fine." She wailed out a loud cry that probably alerted their neighbors but she didn't care, as long as the person in her arms opens her eyes and gives her a much-awaited smile. "Please don't go to Dad yet. Please, Yuki-chan."

The sirens of the ambulance were then heard from down the street as the woman tightened her hold on her only daughter. Red and blue colored the front of her house as people placed Yukimi on a stretcher. Natsumi was in a daze as questions flurried around her, asking what drugs her daughter was overdosed in, how many bottles she congested, and what state did she find her. It was testing her control not to cry in front of the people operating the ambulance.

It all gave away when she stepped foot inside the hospital, nurses scrambling as they brought her daughter in the emergency room. This was the second time Natsumi felt weak and speechless, the first one being the accident that involved her husband's death. She did not cry that time ー everything was so abrupt with Haruto that it almost sucks every bit of her strength with just a phone call. But now, she cried in the waiting room and wondering where did she go wrong. It almost felt like reality slapped her for being more occupied with her job than watching over her daughter like the mother that she was supposed to be. Promising to give Yukimi the happiest year went spiraling out of control and she didn't even get to do things that might have been for the best for the two of them.

It felt like dying seeing her so lifeless. Everything has lost its purpose just losing her husband, and nowー

No, Natsumi wasn't ready for her world to go away just yet.

No, Natsumi wasn't ready for her world to go away just yet

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