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"He reminds me of Lev

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"He reminds me of Lev."

Yachi, frustration clear on her face, stopped narrowing her eyes at the court to look at Yukimi beside her. The older girl had been quiet since the start of the game and Yachi understood the feeling of being belittled by the audience even though they weren't the ones playing ー it was stifling. "Who, Yukimi-san?"

Slightly pursed lips decorated the dark-haired girl's face. "The two-meter guy." Yukimi tilted her head as she assessed Kakugawa with a blank stare, the team Karasuno was playing with at the moment. All of them appeared to be mediocre when it comes to their jumping power, spiking accuracy, and receiving reflexes, which the girl didn't even have to sugarcoat because it was apparent in the way the team rolled with their attacks. Though, their only beacon of hope towered over the players in the gymnasium, making them a one-man team of sorts. While Lev had innate flexibility and speed that can make him move on the court like he adapted Nekoma's way of playing, the two-meter guy Karasuno was wary of lacked in those departments. Very much like Lev, he only started volleyball, Yukimi was guessing, at the start of the school year. "He's like Lev in terms of experience. You could say that the two of them started later than their members. It would do so much better if two-meter guy exhibited even the slightest sense of doing straights because I got a feeling that both Daichi and Nishinoya-san figured it out from his constant cross shots."

The blonde manager let out a sound of understanding as she fixed her eyes on the court once again. "I didn't think of that," she murmured under her breath before smiling brightly at the caramel-eyed girl. "You really know your way around volleyball, Yukimi-san. I don't even know the terminologies until I got invited to be Karasuno's manager." Yachi sheepishly scratched her head with a shaky laugh.

The dark-haired girl gave out a light laugh, relieved at how Yachi loosened her tensed nerves. "I guess all those years being Daichi's friend paid off. It was all thanks to him that I get to be doing well being Nekoma's manager because if not for him talking my ear off about plays, I'd be fussing over every single thing. Not to mention that every team has kindness and patience in them that can welcome any new member," she smiled wistfully, "and I happen to be in a team like that. Give it a little time, Yacchan, because every one of us started not knowing what we got ourselves into. I'm pretty sure you'll be a fine manager in the near future!"

"Thank you, Yukimi-san!" Yachi nearly hugged the girl but she opted to gripping the railing in front of them and showing Yukimi how determined she is. "I'll definitely do my best!"

After minutes of watching Karasuno adjust to the two-meter guy, Yukimi was stunned when Hinata and Kageyama did their freak quick ー only it wasn't the usual freak quick everyone was used to. The ball was too fast. One second, Yukimi was fixated on the court and how Kageyama rose his arms in a toss, and the next second, Shoyo was flying through the air as if he was born to do it. The ball stopping in midair was the one thing Yukimi noticed from the quick. The medium-haired girl witnessed this during the training camp and to watch it unfold in front of her in a real tournament, felt so surreal and her chest overflowed with the pride she felt for the duo. The whole gymnasium erupted in excited shouts and cheers as they saw the infamous speedy quick Karasuno weaponized. Not only that, their wall of defense was now on par with Kakugawa as Tsukishima shut down a quick from the said team, bringing Karasuno closer to set point.

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