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"Amazing, for them to come all the way from Tokyo

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"Amazing, for them to come all the way from Tokyo."

"Isn't the other team's setter kind of short?"

"Yeah, and he's kind of unsteady on his feet."

"Don't they have a reserve setter?"

The aforementioned setter only looked at the boys whispering behind his back. Not paying any mind into it, he concentrated on giving sets to his teammates who are executing their spike drills as warm-ups.

"Think they're strong? I've never heard of their high school before."

"Hey, look, they have a female manager."

"Whoa, should I go and ask for her name? She seems approachable enough."

"I wish we have a manager as pretty as her."

The golden eyes of the setter shifted from staring up at the ball and towards their manager. With her hair tied back, one could see her features very well. Blessed with a beauty that could rival someone with cosmetics, Nekoma's manager is a magnet of the males' unwanted attention. Blowing some strands of hair away from her face, she was scribbling through her notebook, probably listing some observations to share with their coach. Well, who could blame the boys from the other school when Nekoma's manager chose to not wear their red jacket, showing off a shirt fitting her figure?

The setter lightly scoffed at the gawking of the opponents.

"Metropolitan Nekoma High, right? That's their school?"

"First off," a deep voice resonated from behind the boys, making them jump in surprise. "That guy you called 'unsteady shorty'? Is our team's 'backbone', 'brain', and 'heart'." The person's face was contorted in a smug yet devilish expression, shadows decorating his visage as he tilted his head down to look at every boy in the eye. His mirthful expression then shifted into a murderous one, making the others break into a sweat. "Second, don't even think about stepping in a three-meter radius with our manager." He smirked at the uneasy faces looking up at him. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

Then, Nekoma's manager shouted to catch the attention of her team. "Gather up, we'll now start the practice match with Tsukinokizawa High School!"

"Let's go," the tall boy murmured with a smirk as he passed by the wide-eyed members of the opposing team. After rotating his head, he flashed a confident grin at their manager, ruffling her hair gently and taking his place with his teammates on the court.

"They're quite scary, right?" one of the boys whispered to his friends who only nodded in response.

"They're quite scary, right?" one of the boys whispered to his friends who only nodded in response

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