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A woman of wavy dark hair turned around to give an expectant stare to the person who called her name. It took her a full month to fully adapt to her new last name after getting married to the love and light of her life; messy hair, lopsided grins, and all. Now, six months after being married, she was still adjusting since her classmates and professors started calling her 'Kuroo' instead of 'Kazahana', a name that wasn't so new yet felt right. Kuroo Yukimi flashed a small smile, seeing as one of her classmates started fidgeting with her fingers when the former turned around. The dark-haired girl was just on her way to the library to get started on her readings for the week, her mind occupied with excitement that today was one of those special days marking another step in her relationship.

"Yes, Akita-san?" Yukimi asked with a kind tone, her arms straining from the weight of her textbooks. "Were you going to the library, too? If so, let's go together."

Akita Mio immediately felt her face burn. One of the most amazing medical students at Tokyo University just asked if she wanted to study with her. The short-haired woman remembered how her roommates always talked so highly of the caramel-eyed beauty, how she finally had her life settled at her final year in medical school, knowing that she married a person with a stable job and salary that can support Yukimi in her remaining months of medical school. Realizing that she had been staring at the woman for quite some time, Akita cleared her throat. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me calm down while doing the practical exam." She scratched the back of her neck before glancing at Yukimi. "So I just wanted to repay you by giving you this essential oil since I bought too many yesterday and figured that it might help you with nausea. You mentioned something about not sleeping well and vomiting yesterday."

At that, Yukimi's eyes widened. It could be that this was because she had a shift in the hospital last night, with her only sleeping for two hours before getting ready for her class. She didn't even come home to warm embraces and lavender-scented candles, instead she tried resting in one of the provided dormitories on the campus. It wasn't her fault that one of the doctors needed assistance from a couple of sixth-year students. Letting out a small sigh, the dark-haired girl tucked her bangs behind her ear, missing her husband by the minute. She then painted a smile on her lips, acknowledging her classmate devoid of exhaustion. "You're welcome, Akita-san, and thank you for the essential oil. I appreciate it so much.

With a wave of goodbye exchanged between the two women, Yukimi went into the changing rooms of the hospital. Changing her scrubs for a pastel yellow cropped blazer and straight skirt that went past her knees, the dark-haired girl made her way towards one of the many libraries in their university. Upon entering the double doors, the blast of the air-conditioners greeted Yukimi, pulling a reminiscent smile on her lips. It was only two years ago that she was inside these walls with her closest friends and boyfriend, trying to absorb the information given by their recorded lectures and textbooks. Now, she was all alone as her black ankle boots led her to her usual spot ー a cozy cushioned chair on the third floor overlooking the entire expanse of bookshelves.

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