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Staying up late is a part of every student's ( every teenager basically ) schedule

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Staying up late is a part of every student's ( every teenager basically ) schedule. Whether it be the nightly routine of revising for the many subjects the course brings or being fixated on the screen for too long because of video games and timely series streaming online, one would be lying if there was never a time they stayed up late. For Yukimi's case, her reason for not hitting the sack when she finished her homework and revisions aggravated her out of the blue, seeing as the cause of her indecision is placed delicately on top of the covers beside her.

It was nearing ten o'clock and her mother told Yuikimi that she should be going home at this hour. She tried reading the book she left hanging because she fell asleep on the train home but she didn't have the strength to absorb the next paragraph, she kept rereading the same sentence all over again which terribly frustrated her. She even tried opening her textbooks as a way of preparing herself for the upcoming topics, but Physics definitely took a toll on her ( she could hear her classmates whining in her ear, "Why are you already studying?! It's the beginning of the school year!" ). And with her short attention span, she couldn't watch too many episodes of the series one of her classmates recommended her.

This was so unlike her.

Taking the letter for the nth time, Yukimi felt herself scrunching her face as she flipped open the pink envelope once again, the faint trail of the lavender-scented paper flitting through the air. How did the Nekoma volleyball club know her favorite scent is lavender? Thinking that it could be the only scented paper left in the stationery section of the bookstore near them, she shrugged it off as a coincidence. The folds on the paper indicated how many times she reread it, which made her huff.

Bringing the letter with her downstairs, the short-haired girl turned on the lights in the kitchen and turned to the refrigerator to pour herself a glass of milk from the unopened carton. Perking up at the sound of the front door's lock clicking, Yukimi looked at the opening of the kitchen leading to the living room and smiled when she saw her mother rubbing her right temple while taking off her heeled shoes.

"Welcome home, Mom," she greeted.

Natsumi looked up from placing her outdoor shoes on the shoe-rack and gave her daughter a smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're up late," she noted, putting on the soft indoor slippers Yukimi bought a while back. "I'm home." She took off her shoulder bag, leaving it on the couch in the living room, then walked towards her daughter. The older woman kissed Yukimi's head and prepared herself a cup of coffee. "Why are you still not sleeping, Yuki-chan? Do you have a quiz tomorrow? It's still too early in the school year for that."

Yukimi chuckled. "Well, you don't know some of the new teachers at Nekoma, Mom," she answered. "They could have a pop quiz as many as they want in one class."

"Wow," Natsumi exclaimed. "Nekoma really did change from when I was a student there." She then laughed a little and stood in front of her daughter on the island counter. "But I guess that's not what kept you up so late. Now tell Mama, Yuki-chan, spit it out."

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