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"Tetsurou, I'll be with the team overlooking the drills," Yukimi voiced out, turning to the tall lad with a tender smile

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"Tetsurou, I'll be with the team overlooking the drills," Yukimi voiced out, turning to the tall lad with a tender smile. As she received the same smile and nod from the messy-haired captain, the caramel-eyed girl shifted her attention to Daichi, a smug smile now plastered on her face, "Good luck with the practice matches, Sawamura-san." She drawled Daichi's last name as she usually did when they were in middle school, when the two would always end up in opposing groups during a class group quiz or a cultural festival contest. It was meant to tease each other or get into each other's skins before every event ー something that the two established to keep them going and to have motivation in something that involves competing against each other. It was their way of boosting up their drive in winning, and when Yukimi acted it out after all those years, it sent a wave of nostalgia to Daichi's chest.

With that, Yukimi turned around, her hair bouncing on her shoulders dismissively, and walked to where Kenma was waiting for his turn to receive. While going to her destination, the manager took out the black hair tie from her wrist before raising her arms and tying her hair up in a ponytail, gaining attention from some of the boys and managers inside the gymnasium, especially the volleyball club members of Shinzen High. A few of them kept missing their receive drills because they were gawking when she passed by while the managers, specifically Yachi, stopped from beside Kiyoko to admire the older girl.

Going to where her shoulder bag was placed by the other members, Yukimi lightheartedly laughed at the hastily scribbled note that says 'DON'T TOUCH. PROPERTY OF NEKOMA'S AMAZING MANAGER!!!' and immediately knowing that Nekoma's libero had something to do with writing the note since she requested him in taking care of her belongings. With her thin notebook in her hands, Yukimi then set her eyes on her club members executing perfect receives. Staying right where she is, Yukimi took a second glance at the setter, who was doing the drills with a troubled face.

"Kenma, you alright?" Yukimi asked worriedly once she saw the disappointed face of the setter. It was not that noticeable but the slight frown in Kenma's expression says it all.

Kenma glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. "Shoyo isn't here yet," was his reply with droopy shoulders. "Tora just told me that he has some supplementary exams right now and that he could be absent during the training camp." He gripped the volleyball in his hand with a cross expression before throwing it in the air and hitting it to where Yaku was positioned in their little section of the huge gymnasium.

The medium-haired girl smiled in understanding. "Hinata will pass his exams, that's for sure, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity in a training camp housing these teams," she answered Kenma while roaming her eyes around the court, casually taking note of how the other teams executed their serves and receives before eyeing each and everyone from their own team. Coming to a summarized observation in her mind, Yukimi quickly wrote what she noticed in her trusty notebook, making arrows and connecting the specific movements to each member. She looked up and smiled fondly at Kenma, who was staring at her with wide eyes, "Hinata might be a little late but he'll be here along with that first-year setter."

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