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"I told you, you don't have to trouble yourself into feeding me

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"I told you, you don't have to trouble yourself into feeding me." A smile brightened the room. "My hands are not injured, Tetsurou."

Kuroo laughed, the familiar sound echoing through the hospital room and making the medium-haired girl let out a few giggles as well. "I just want to feed you this time, that's all," he replied, taking a spoonful of the egg fried rice he tried mastering early in the morning and hovering it in front of the girl reclining on the pillows. "The last time I did this to you was a month ago." He then grinned, showing how happy he was through the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. "Can't a guy just miss his girlfriend so much?"

It was a month now and Yukimi was scheduled to be released the next day and let her have the rest she needed in her home. Their volleyball club, as Kuroo told her, had another training camp with the Fukurodani group along with the country bumpkins they were all so fond of. Upon hearing the news from the girl's mother, Karasuno's captain finally visited her in the hospital the first night of the training camp with Kuroo accompanying him, knowing that he lived miles away and this was the only chance Daichi got to visit his childhood best friend. Kuroo told her that was the first time he had seen the strong captain cry and aside from the fact that it surprised him, Kuroo couldn't help but shed a few tears as well. It was as if he witnessed Daichi crumble in the cherry-scented closed space of the hospital room.

"Is there something on my face? Am I that handsome that I got you speechless?" Kuroo joked with a prominent glint of joy in his golden eyes, making them shine under the tangerine glow brought by the sunset. It made Yukimi's throat lodge with a variety of emotions that her mind was gathering in the days she was finally conscious. Then, Kuroo's face changed into a softer mien at the star-struck expression on Yukimi. He reached out a hand to cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing on the apples of her cheeks and head tilted slightly to the right. "Hey, care to tell me what you're thinking of?"

"I never wanted to die."

Yukimi told him, not looking away from his eyes. "I never intended for this to happen. I thought," the girl let out a shuddering breath, taking Kuroo's hand from her face and holding it on her lap, trailing her fingers softly over his palm, "I thought that I could be happier, better even, if I swallowed every single one of them. That was promised to me by my therapist. I remember having an episode before I downed all of them and there was a sudden thought of going to my Dad for just a second before I started losing consciousness." Tears cascaded down her cheeks for the first time in a month yet she never took her gaze away from Kuroo. "I was scared. Scared that I could've died if Mom found me too late. Scared that I never get to say my thanks to the volleyball club members and coaches if I decided to give up midway. Scared that I will never get to see you again if I didn't wake up.

"For once in my life, I never thought about dying. And it's all because of you. In your tiniest actions, I was given clues that everything wouldn't be so bad. Tetsurou, you made me remember that life is worth living and that's all it takes for me to give living a second chance. Actually, by doing that, I have to make sure I won't trouble anyone as I take more sessions with my therapist.

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