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"Why are we at the library?"

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"Why are we at the library?"

Kuroo scratched his head as he followed Yaku inside the library, the air conditioner's cold wind slapping him in the face. He would rather lounge inside the gymnasium and do some impromptu practice as a distraction than laze around inside the school library. His serves still needed optimal polishing and it makes him feel agitated that he was currently doing nothing to achieve it. Walking with his hands in his slacks' pockets, Kuroo pointedly glared at Yaku's bouncing head skipping inside the library since the libero invited them to spend their vacant period there.

It was a good thing that their teacher for Social Studies didn't ask for any substitute faculty after announcing through a text message to the class rep that he will be taking the day off. And it was a good thing that he didn't leave any schoolwork behind ー that would be a huge pain the ass.

Yaku only grinned and chuckled. "To enjoy the air conditioners, of course!"

One thing that the libraries offered was the luxury of air conditioners. Nekoma wasn't like any other school that had the budget to have air conditioning in their classrooms, though they can afford to install it in their faculty rooms, infirmary, and libraries, which is such an unfair thing to the students. Now, the library didn't have that many people at this time of the day, with only their class having a vacant period. Kuroo could recognize some of his classmates dozing on one of the tables, books covering their sleeping forms. At least, he could do that as well.

"Hey, it's Yukimi-chan!" Yaku softly exclaimed, catching Kuroo's attention.

In one of the tables facing the fiction section of the library was the short-haired manager of their club. Yukimi seemed to be engrossed in the book she's currently reading, her eyebrows furrowed in an adorable frown. Her hair was done in a loose plait, making it look shorter than it originally is, with locks left undone and framing her face. She wasn't wearing the sweater vest for the day and her long-sleeved sailor uniform accentuated her figure rather well. Her shoes were left on the floor as she wriggled her sock-covered feet beneath the table.

Kuroo was left gawking at her.

His heart pinched in his chest, cheeks heated up as he conspicuously admired her.

"Wah, Yukimi-chan looks so good in the girls' uniform," Yaku voiced out, knocking Kuroo out of his trance as he shifted his eyes to his friend. Yaku noticed the judgmental stare of his taller companion and playfully punched him on the arm. "Come on, I know that was one of the reasons why you developed a crush on her in first year since she had longer hair back then."

Images of Yukimi being a first-year flashed in Kuroo's head, making him flush a dull pink all the way to the tips of his ears. Has it really been two years since she first smiled at him? Since his young heart became ensnared because of her?

He remembered one afternoon where the three of them (with Yaku and Kai) gathered in 1-2's classroom, preparing for another afternoon of practice. They decided to have their change of clothes inside the empty classroom, not caring if somebody would come barging in the sliding doors and catch them in their underwear. Kuroo was silently unbuttoning his blazer as Yaku chattered on and on about the cute girls he saw to Kai.

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