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It was a great surprise to the rest of Karasuno when Daichi arrived with a very familiar girl boring the brightest smile they had seen in the short minutes they were waiting for their captain

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It was a great surprise to the rest of Karasuno when Daichi arrived with a very familiar girl boring the brightest smile they had seen in the short minutes they were waiting for their captain. Yukimi only waved at each one of them, with her childhood friend purposely standing in front of her to prevent certain members of their team to bombard her with unnecessary questions, Daichi's eyes set in a glare as he saw Nishinoya and Tanaka inch a few steps to the girl. Nobody expected the medium-haired manager of Nekoma to come all the way to Miyagi just to witness a single day of preliminaries. Clad in a pastel blue chiffon top with ruffled hems, her shoulders and collarbone on display, and fitted denim jeans, Yukimi was a sight for sore eyes who graced Karasuno's eyes as a fleeting fairy meant for blessing them.

"You didn't have to come with me this early, Yuki-chan," Daichi leaned his head back a little to whisper to his friend, his eyes still on the rambunctious second-years. "You could have slept some more and text me if you're on the way to the venue. I know Hina and Hiroto tired you out last night."

The dark-haired girl rolled her eyes with a smile, playfully shoving Daichi's right shoulder. "It's my choice that I wanted to come with you," she told him lightheartedly. "Plus, the fare is free if I go with you. Do you really expect me to play for my train ride?"

Looking at the side, Yukimi accidentally met eyes with Tsukishima, who was hoping for the older girl to not look at his direction and immediately brightened at the sight of the stingy first year. Feeling a sense of connection to the blonde middle blocker just like how she bonded with Nekoma's underclassmen, the caramel-eyed girl vibrantly smiled and waved a 'hello' at the tall boy. Of course, Tsukishima couldn't help but wave back with pink cheeks, making Yukimi chuckle under her breath. Then, cobalt blues beckoned her and Yukimi found herself in front of Kiyoko. With a heartfelt smile, she greeted, "Kiyoko-san."

The bespectacled girl returned Yukimi's smile with a small grin of her own. "Yukimi-chan. I'm really glad you can come and watch today."

"It would be an honor to witness the famed murder of crows play," Yukimi replied, her eyes sparkling at the thought of watching Karasuno's plays, knowing that they are dubbed as a team specializing in offense from what Nekomata told her. Excitement would also be an understatement in Yukimi's eyes right now. Not only could she watch Daichi be a solid foundation in Karasuno's receives but she was also excited in seeing Tsukishima apply every single thing Kuroo taught him. Looking down at some of the bags on the ground, the dark-haired girl placed a lock of stray hair behind her ear before glancing at Kiyoko's wide eyes, "Can I help you with the bags? It would be too tiring if you carry all of these."

"UhーSure, Yukimi-chan," Kiyoko quietly murmured, simultaneously ducking with the other girl to place the bags on each of their shoulders. Straightening herself, the blue-eyed girl fixed a small smile on her lips. "Let's go? Do you want to sit next to me or with Sawamura? We can sit on the back seats along with Hitoka-chan." She then pointed at the petite blonde visibly doing breathing techniques beside Yamaguchi, who was shivering like a leaf, his freckled face pale. "Though, I don't think she's feeling fine at the moment."

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