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Summer just said its goodbyes but Yukimi found herself constantly fanning her face and neck with her empty tray

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Summer just said its goodbyes but Yukimi found herself constantly fanning her face and neck with her empty tray. Their classroom was packed with visitors, mostly girls, which is a great surprise. Of course, the sign in front of their designated area for the cultural festival was to blame ー Cross-dressing Café of Class 3-5. Yukimi wished that the one who came up with that name (she took a glance at their vice-president cackling in the kitchen area) will have a bad lunch or break since the assigned cooks have an irregular schedule of staying inside their little sanctuary. That godforsaken name was something the medium-haired girl didn't mind until she saw the costumes their class representative showed them. She nearly backed out but when Yaku seemed to materialize out of nowhere the moment she turned around, she knew had no choice.

Which led to this moment.

"What's your name?" A curious yet giggling voice came from Yukimi's right.

"Uhm," Yukimi stuttered, blinking rapidly at the tenth girl to ask her that question. All of the assigned butlers were given aliases, however, Yukimi didn't give it much thought, assuming that the guests won't pay attention to her as she did her job. She thought wrong as she stared at the awestruck and hopeless expressions of the pair of girls in front of her. Looking at the side for any person to ask for help, Yukimi silently cursed when she didn't spot anyone willing to aid her (all of them flashing apologetic looks, enjoying how their star waiter captured everyone's attention). Turning back to the girl who asked the question, she flashed a half-smile and dipped her head in a slight bow, all the while keeping her eyes on the blushing girl. "I go by Yuki, young miss."

"She's a freaking natural," Yaku murmured as he wiped his face with a clean towel, his eyes never leaving the girl. "I know Yukimi-chan has the charm to bewitch girls but I never knew placing her in a butler outfit and a wig would result in that."

"Man," Kuroo whined, his chin placed on top of his hands clutching their class' broom, "I'm jealous."

"Who? Of Yukimi-chan?"

The messy-haired boy slowly shifted his attention to Yaku, blinking in disbelief at the shorter boy's remark. "No, you dumbass, of those girls," he punctuated it with a tilt in his head.

The libero narrowed his eyes. "For a second, I thought you finally moved on."

"I wouldn't dare."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yaku replied, "Figures," before drifting his gaze to the subject of their conversation.

Thinking about it, Yukimi outdid herself by putting on the costume (which consisted of a pair of slacks, an inner, button-up shirt, and a tailcoat covering the ensemble ー in other words, their class full-out begged for the theater club to lend them some of their secondhand costumes) and even applying a small amount of eye make-up to highlight her face. As for why there was a cluster of girls flocking their caramel-eyed friend, Yukimi definitely resembled a character from a shoujo manga, the ones who the readers mourn over after being rejected by the heroine. Or the junior who became a part of the main character's harem ー the cutesy type everybody adored. At least for Yaku's eyes. She can easily pass off as a young man, more feminine in terms of features, and yet can attract a good number of people despite her appearance.

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