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Just like their first match, their match with Kokusai Koko gave them another step closer to reaching their goal for this year's InterHigh ー to step on the finals and secure their position in participating in the orange national stage. Though it was very much like their match with Hachioji, where they secured their win with the first two sets, Kokusai proved to be a worthy contender for a team that was expected to win from their own match. The favor was on Kokusai at the beginning of the first set, making the opponent team have an advantage against Nekoma, however, since Kenma started to notice the little things about the opposing team, this lead to Nekoma catching up with them in terms of solidifying their receives and making the rallies last longer than their match with Hachioji.

With a fleeting win of two sets against one, Nekoma decided to pack their bags and return to Nerima after a series of goodbyes from the players of Fukurodani. Yukimi even exchanged numbers with some of the members of the volleyball team, earning quite a reaction from them (mainly Bokuto because he was the one bragging of getting a pretty girl's number straight into Kuroo's face, who retaliated that he already has Yukimi's number beforehand). Of course, the only purpose of her taking boys' numbers was because the horned-owl captain begged her after witnessing the girl ask for Yukie and Kaori's numbers. Everything ended on a happy note as the Nekoma volleyball club boarded their minibus and slept like logs the whole trip back to their school.

It was safe to say that Nekoma is one of the many teams who qualified for the second round of the InterHigh preliminaries.

It was now Wednesday and now that July is fast approaching, Yukimi was swamped with a ton of assignments, school works, and responsibilities of being a manager of the volleyball club. She was internally shocked that her classmates didn't display the kind of anxiousness she felt brewing in her mind and stomach as she witnessed them having lighthearted interactions in the classroom. It felt like that she was the only one panicking and not balancing her time well when almost everyone in the class participated in a club, it doesn't even help that her position in her own club was only the manager and not someone important. The previous days, all she could ever think of was that she's not someone special and significant to think that she couldn't manage her time when she wasn't even doing anything impactful.

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