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"You're glowing more than usual

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"You're glowing more than usual."

Yukimi blinked from behind the counter, stopping herself from giving Nishinoya the second serving he was excited for, only to curiously look at her childhood friend. Daichi was standing in front of her with an empty plate, his knowing grin sending chills down Yukimi's spine. This gave her flashbacks every time she was keeping something from their friendship only for him to have correct guesses on her secrets. And it would always baffle Yukimi that Daichi was showing what her mom was best at ー being a parent. How far do his parental instincts go?

Then, flashes of stargazing kisses, watermelon sodas, and effervescent grins flickered through Yukimi's mind, making her flush a pretty shade of rouge pink, a soft smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. Thinking that she may look like someone who just got her first kiss taken by the boy she has feelings for, the medium-haired girl straightened herself, her caramel irises never meeting Daichi's eyes. "WーWhat are you talking about, Daichi?" she muttered, making herself busy by taking the captain's tray from his hands and filling them with the right amount of nutrients. Taking a glance at her childhood friend, she handed the tray full of food with a practiced bright smile. "Here you go, captain, enjoy your meal!"

Daichi laughed at how Yukimi wanted to change the subject. Taking his breakfast with him, the brown-haired boy only shook his head with a smile, already knowing what's behind Yukimi's glowing complexion. He took a glimpse at the table housing some of the Nekoma players, amusingly observing a certain messy-haired captain radiating the same gleam based on his loud laughter and occasional glances at the dark-haired girl now serving another player. Fixing his attention to Yukimi again, Daichi gave a slight wave, "Okay, I won't pry anymore. Besides, I think I have an idea of why you're getting prettier day by day."

Yukimi rose an eyebrow. "I don't even want to know what's going inside your head right now. For all I know, they're far-fetched and I am not even going to comment anymore."

"Whatever you say, Yuki-chan," Daichi told her before giving a warm smile that reminded Yukimi of her father, stopping the girl from tending to the other players still lining up to get second servings of breakfast. "I'm happy that you found someone who won't hesitate to show how much he adores and cares for you. I'm sure you two will last."

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