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Birthdays were always happy celebrations

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Birthdays were always happy celebrations. The thought of being one year closer to adulthood seemed thrilling in the prospect of others. Others find it as a way of expressing their love for the celebrant; be it surprise parties, a sudden confession of love, or a day outside with friends and family. Nobody found birthdays miserable and, especially, nobody wanted a pity party. But for a certain third-year, her birthday meant loneliness.

After Kazahana Yukimi moved away from her hometown, it always seemed as though she was on her breaking point. Being far away from her safe place and being miles away from her childhood friend, it always triggered something sensitive in Yukimi's chest. There was always a time with her high school classmates that made her remember the quiet pace of the countryside and the pollution free air of her hometown. But without anybody knowing what she feels inside the crevices of her heart, changing her image from being a reserved student to an outgoing one seemed like the best option.

Nobody wanted a broken person for a friend after all.

So thus, throughout the nearly three years she has spent in Nekoma Metropolitan High, the extroverted Yukimi everyone befriended didn't permanently join any club in her third year, with the photography club in the first year (she just joined for the sake of being in a club since all first-years must have one) and the choir in the second year (some of her friends told her this was her shining moment, bewitching everyone while she's having a solo to which she will respond "It's a choir, though, you should appreciate everyone else, too!"). Sensing that her last year in Nekoma High will be the one that will make her snap, her mother advised her to not put too much stress in her school life so she chose not to participate in any club.

Now in the first year of being legal, Yukimi walked inside the classroom thirty minutes before their first period, Japanese Literature. Taking out the book she decided to borrow from the library yesterday, she took her seat beside Kagami Romio, the person beside the window and the person she garnered romantic feelings for. Glancing at him from the corner of her eye, she felt her heart pound at the image of him looking out the window with those half-lidded eyes and that perfect face of his. Waiting for a couple of minutes for him to greet her and concluding that he never will, Yukimi continued reading.

Romio-kun, the reason why she joined the choir last year, was everyone's golden boy or the multi-talented student in their year level. Always so out of her league, the brown-haired boy was considered cute by many students, be it third-years or underclassmen, and he managed to capture her heart when they went inside the classroom together in first year because they came from the same prefecture. She vividly remembered how their classmates thought they had feelings for each other because Romio seemed to tag along with her and she also remembered how the boy drifted away from her to join another circle of friends.

Tightening her grip on the book when Romio's best friend, Miyuki, sat in front of his desk, Yukimi listened on as they droned about the series they watched together as another friend of theirs joining in. It was only once upon a time she was a part of their circle but seeing as they were happier without her around, Yukimi always finds excuses to go alone (never without her signature bright smile, though).

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