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The first sign was the uniform.

Everybody was complaining about the heat, with the girls opting for shorter skirts and white shirts rather than their standard short-sleeved blouses, while the boys started unbuttoning their white button-downs. It was not only the volleyball club third-years who noticed Yukimi walking down the hallways with black tights under her skirt and the winter uniform (a navy blue blazer and black sweater vest) ー almost everyone took a second glance at the aesthetic senior each time she passes by a student with a blank face. Nobody dared ask her why she chose to wear such an ensemble except for her friends in the volleyball club but all they got were the same answers with a faux smile ー "it's too cold for me right now." Because of this, Yaku wanted to protest that she be in her most comfortable state while resuming the start of the semester but Kai would always pull him away once they noticed how Yukimi would flinch at each word spewed out by the libero.

"Don't you think it's been unusual that Yukimi-chan wouldn't wear the summer uniform? I mean, she was wearing it a while back before summer vacation," Yaku wondered out loud at lunch a week after the new semester started. It was the same scene as it always had been, the three of them enjoying their lunch either in either classroom or the cafeteria. The light-brown haired boy continued mulling about their manager in deep thought as he munched on the exclusive bread he bought from the canteen. "Hmm. There's something about her right now that I couldn't quite pinpoint."

Kai looked at him from getting a bite of his bento. "Well, we couldn't exactly ask her right now. She's in the infirmary all morning, right?" Once Yaku nodded at that, the dark-skinned vice-captain also hummed under his breath, putting down his pair of chopsticks. "But if she's been experiencing a cold or any kind of sickness right now, we'll just let her rest from club activities."

"Has she mentioned anythingー? Eh, Kuroo, where are you going?" Yaku gaped at his messy-haired friend who abruptly stood up from his seat. Even Kai sent a questioning glance at their friend for making such a shocking move (as seen from the people occupying the other side of the room who flinched from the sound of a scraping chair).

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