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"How are you doing there, Yuki-chan? Are you eating well? Please don't tell me you spent your free time studying again, I thought I told you to have fun!"

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"How are you doing there, Yuki-chan? Are you eating well? Please don't tell me you spent your free time studying again, I thought I told you to have fun!"

Yukimi could envision what her mother looked like on the other side of the phone call ー with the older woman's usual worried countenance since her daughter has the ability to overwork. It was the third day of the training camp and the medium-haired girl decided that it would be nice to call her only family and try to assure her that she was doing fine. However, the moment Natsumi answered the call, Yukimi's ears were immediately barraged with a flurry of questions. Laughing slightly at her mother's worried nature, the caramel-eyed girl answered, "I'm doing fine here, Mom. Yes, I'm eating well and no, I'm not always studying," she rolled her eyes with a smile, "you're the one always assuming that I am!"

"Well, I can't help but worry!" Natsumi helplessly claimed through the phone's speakers. "You tend to open your textbooks even on a holiday trip, Yuki-chan. I want you to take a mental break every once in a while."

The smile that was on Yukimi's face slowly disappeared at the last statement. She lightly bit her bottom lip and peeled a little skin in agitation. Should she tell her mother that her episodes have been coming back since the first day of the training camp? Knowing her mother, the older woman would book appointments to various therapists around the city and it would only add to their endless expenses. There was one thing that Yukimi didn't want and it was being a burden to the people around her. Briefly closing her eyes and deciding that she should stay quiet until she arrived in their house, Yukimi swallowed down the words 'I want to go home' back to the crevices of her unnerved stomach, putting on a lighthearted tone, "I am taking a mental break right now and the team is literally on their break from having a practice match." Smiling even though Natsumi couldn't see her, she continued, "You, too, Mom. You should also take breaks. Where do you think I get my overworking attitude from?"

A chuckle came from the other end of the call. There was a pause and then, "I love you so much, Yuki-chan. I just don't want anything to happen to you, that's why I'm always worrying."

"Nothing will happen to me, Mom, I'm assuring you."

"Was that your mom?" A voice came from behind Yukimi as she bid her goodbyes to her mother before ending the call. Turning around, Yukimi smiled up at Kuroo, who was running his hands through his hair and looking at her with eyes painted in affection. It was making her heart pound in many ways she didn't know it could. With a half-smile, Kuroo placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, his arms wrapping around her waist in a loose embrace. "What?" He laughed as he noticed that Yukimi kept staring at him with awestruck eyes, his smirk turning into a full-blown smile. "Cat got your tongue, Hana?"

"Why are you so beautiful?" Yukimi asked him in a daze, her eyes narrowed slightly as she trailed her gaze from his unruly hair that was actually soft despite its appearance, his half-lidded eyes that seem to stir emotions in her chest, his nose that always brushed against her cheek when they kiss, down to his lips that tasted like velvet. Since the first time she laid eyes on the golden-eyed boy when they were first-years, Yukimi couldn't deny that he looked like he escaped from an indie modeling agency. The sight of Kuroo looking candidly handsome was staying true to everyone's thoughts. "I think I didn't say this to you but," she trailed off, lifting her hand and placing it on the boy's jaw, "you're beautiful, Tetsurou."

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