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"Take care going to school, Yuki-chan!"

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"Take care going to school, Yuki-chan!"

"Always, Mom!"

With a farewell to her father's picture, Yukimi trudged on the driveway and to the empty streets, her usual bottle of banana milk in hand. Sundays are usually spent with a family outing (just like any other family in their neighborhood, resulting to the streets and houses having no signs of life) or for Yukimi's case, locking herself up in her room with her revisions and textbooks (since their final exams are at the end of the week). She only started studying on Friday since last week was spent finding a new manager and it was going smoothly because the lessons they tackled during the second half of the first semester weren't heavy, unlike the first half. Yukimi even finished studying one subject in one night and the whole weekend was spent in bliss as she diligently revised some of her notes and answered some problems in their lecture packets.

As for going to school on a Sunday, the Nekoma volleyball club requested not to take the week off even though they have their final exams, something about conditioning themselves before the summer camp held by the Fukurodani Academy group. Nekomata also asked for permission from the other faculty, with the other teachers hesitantly accepted, only to propose a condition that the members of the club should not have failing grades in any subject. The old coach only chuckled and confidently took the challenge, saying that the students are exceptional in their studies, seeing as they all boasted both high and normal grades, not forgetting to insert how the top student is still under his care. And for the day's practice, the tall first-year will have his debut, and Yukimi was needed to monitor the boy along with Yaku.

The train was uneventful, as usual, because the medium-haired girl decided to travel to school early in the morning to help with setting up the gym. Comfortably walking towards the front gates of Nekoma, Yukimi smiled while climbing up the stairs leading inside the campus. Since her attire was already the club's manager uniform, a white t-shirt, and the iconic red tracksuit, the girl continued walking until she finally reached the sliding doors of the gymnasium. Upon arriving, she was slightly shocked to see some of the lower years being there before her, making her chuckle at their enthusiasm in having the weekend practice. They were already doing their job in preparing the court for their practice.

"Kirei-senpai! Good morning!" Taketora shouted from the other side of the gym.

"Good morning, kirei-senpai!" The first-years followed their senior's greeting, all sporting the same admiring face they always bestow on their manager.

Giving all of them a heart-stopping smile, Yukimi walked inside the gym and to where she usually place her things during practices. "Good morning!" she greeted back. "Where are the others?"

Shibayama, who was carrying the rolled-up net, looked at her to reply, "Yaku-san told us he will be arriving shortly, he's coming to school with Kai-san. Oh, and Kuroo-san and Kenma-san are probably taking the train right now, at least that's what Kuroo-san told us in the group chat." When he saw the manager walk towards him to help bring the net up, the first-year immediately went red in the face, his speech becoming stutters. "KKirei-senpai! You don't have to help me!"

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