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Nekoma lost in the InterHigh

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Nekoma lost in the InterHigh.

The team had high hopes in going past the fourth match but it only led to them being placed in Tokyo's top eight. All of the club members were stuck in a state of shock as the final whistle of the referee screeched in their side of the gymnasium. There were shouts of joy from the other side of the net while the Nekoma team beheld frustrated faces and clenched fists. Almost everyone, even the players of the bench, had unshed tears in their eyes as they lined up to thank the audience for watching their game. Throughout everything, Yukimi decided to give the members words of comfort but no matter how much she voiced them out, the boys would blankly nod at her.

The next day came and the atmosphere surrounding the volleyball club members radiated gloominess.

On the first-year floor, Inuoka, Shibayama, and Teshiro all had their eyebrows furrowed while being in their respective classes, trying to listen to what their current teachers droned in front of the room. The first of the three exasperatedly scratched his head as he remembered how the other team spiked through his blocks like it was nothing while the latter two mauled over how their seniors looked after their loss. On the second-year floors, Taketora had his forehead placed on his desk, his teeth gritted at the amount of times he was blocked every time he asked for a toss from Kenma. The latter, however, along with Fukunaga, wore indifferent facades while listening to their classes, but their classmates still felt how more reserved they were when they stepped inside their rooms.

The third-years were a different story.

Kai still diligently listened to his lectures with a faux smile however, he couldn't shake the fact that they were still so behind compared to the other teams when it comes to going to nationals after experiencing that defeat. Yaku was clenching his fist on top of his desk and would occasionally look up at the ceiling, so lost in his own thoughts that the teacher had to repeat on calling his name. He should have saved so many attacks, he had so many opportunities in keeping the ball back into play, and he couldn't stop thinking that they actually had a chance if only he didn't make shabby receive after shabby receive. Meanwhile, Kuroo had his chin propped on his hand while the other one twirled his pen. He really wanted to stay in the volleyball club but being in the college preparatory classes meant that the teachers will be breathing on their necks, trying to make them study for the upcoming college examinations. It was so hard for him to just let the club go. He still has an unfinished goal for the coaches and the growth of his team. His time as captain wouldn't end just this soon.

"Class dismissed, everyone," the teacher announced from the front of the room as the lunch bell rang.

This caused a chorus of chairs scraping and students inviting their friends for lunch. Standing up from his seat, Kuroo stretched his arms before taking his lunchbox from the bottom of his desk. Right when he was about to ask Yukimi to lunch, the teacher once again called out from the door.

"Kuroo, Yaku, Kazahana," he uttered, catching the attention of their classmates. "Please follow me to the faculty room. This will be quick so you will still have your lunch break after we consult you one by one."

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