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The faculty office is situated on the ground floor of Nekoma High's main building

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The faculty office is situated on the ground floor of Nekoma High's main building. Usually off-limits to students of any year-level, it served as a closed space of gossiping teachers or workaholics with too many lesson plans and caffeine. Students who frequented their visits here are either troublemakers, those with failing grades, or model students (club presidents or honor students), and all of them (except the latter) would exit the aforementioned room with sullen faces.

A pretty short-haired girl walked through the hallways of the ground floor of the main building, past the gawking first-year students who were whispering how such a radiant senior venture on their floor. Never minding the adoring eyes following her, the girl was slightly worried since the exam results haven't been released yet and there could be a slight possibility that she failed a subject, mostly because of her carelessness sometimes. Or it could be that they called for her because they needed an extra pair of hands while checking the exam papers, seeing as Nekoma has quite a large student body. With her lips pursed yet with her head held high, the girl slid open the door to the faculty office.

"Ah, Kazahana-san," one of the teachers acknowledged her. He was a middle-aged man with a kind look in his eyes, which are covered with round glasses. Yukimi recognized him as the current head of the physical education and health teachers since she remembered playing basketball under his guidance when she was a second-year.

"Good afternoon. You called for me, sensei?" Yukimi greeted with a bow and walked towards the teacher's desk, waiting for him to continue as he rummaged papers on his desk, cluttering it into a storm of documents.

"Ah, yes," the teacher told her, his eyes and hands frantically searching for something on his messy desk. "Where is it?" He occasionally mumbled. "I know I should have put it where I can easily locate it but my memory seems to jog a lot slower lately." Yukimi can only stand a couple of meters away from his desk as he finally brightened up, waving a piece of paper that appeared to have boxes printed on it. "I found it!"

The teacher gave it to her with a smile. Looking down on the paper curiously, Yukimi felt her heart clamor with anticipation and nervousness. It was the list of match-ups for the Tokyo InterHigh Preliminaries. She scanned her eyes under furrowed brows for Nekoma's name until she finally spotted it grouped together in Block B. The school's name was enclosed in a box and was matched with another rather familiar school with a thin, short line.

"We're facing off Hachioji Academy?" Yukimi wondered out loud, completely unaware of the teacher's expectant stare. "That's a well-known school for their language curriculum, no wonder they sound familiar." Upon realizing that she had been ogling at the piece of paper, Yukimi stood up straight and bowed at the faculty member, who noticeably jumped from the abruptness of her bow. "I'm sorry, sensei, and thank you for this!"

"Well, good luck, Kazahana-san," the teacher told her, scratching the back of his head with a shaky laugh. "I see you want your club members to know who their contenders are!"

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