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Winter's beauty was painful to look at

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Winter's beauty was painful to look at.

After having that draining session with her therapist the day before, there was nothing in her mind but to admire how the snow seemed like white fairies shifting through the air. Careful hands continued molding the clump of snow on her lap, the girl's surroundings drowning in a single static background. While everyone decided to have lunch inside the warm walls of their campus, Yukimi chose to spend it outside for a dose of fresh air. The white rain continued flying around her as she tried to make the perfect snow bunny. A cup of hot chocolate would be the only thing missing during a perfect winter day like this. And who could ever forget the warmth provided by the kotatsu set up in the middle of the living room? The sudden thought of that is just utter bliss.

The dark-haired girl ducked her head a little more inside the crevices of her scarf, cheeks painted red from the cold while not realizing that another person has stepped inside her small bubble. She was on the verge of listing the books she needed to read during the winter break in her head when a voice softly called her name.


"Oh, Yaku-san."

The said boy was surprised to see one of his more known classmates spending their lunchtime outside by the courtyard (where the cold might be bearable for some people like her but for Yaku, who was already chattering under his winter uniform, it was torture). Suddenly, his face became warm the more he stared at the pretty girl sitting comfortably on the bench, her lunchbox placed at the side and a snow bunny adorning her lap. It always befuddled Yaku that the girl looked as adorable and enchanting without having to do anything, especially with flurries of snow decorating her hair and eyelashes. He wondered when he entered Kuroo's classroom earlier and the girl wasn't around in her seat by the window. The libero internally smiled at the thought that he knew something of Yukimi that Kuroo doesn't. He was quickly snapped out of his self-praise (for buying a hot drink from the vending machines) by Yukimi.

"That brand's other flavored milk drinks are good, too." Yukimi nodded at the drink Yaku was holding. "I recommend trying out the banana-flavored one."

"Oh, this?" Yaku dumbly lifted the canned strawberry milk in his hand before shaking his head. He turned to the caramel-eyed girl with a growing smile, the plastic bag on his wrist jostling when he also lifted it for Yukimi to see. "I actually bought that." Taking out the warm can of banana milk he intended to give to one of his friends (sorry, Kai), he presented it to Yukimi, who looked at him with slightly wide eyes. "Want to watch the snow fall together?"

Yaku could worry about the chill later because Yukimi looked lonely and he wanted to see the stars in her eyes again just like those chances where he stared at her.

(Of, course, without Kuroo noticing.)

"If that's okay with you," the short-haired boy sheepishly added, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

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