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Stepping through the hallways of Nekoma High, Yukimi felt exhausted at the amount of work and responsibility now on her plate

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Stepping through the hallways of Nekoma High, Yukimi felt exhausted at the amount of work and responsibility now on her plate. With midterms looming in, her workload has terribly increased.

It was lunchtime and she just finished her bento in the comfort of nature rather than inside a stuffy and loud classroom, where every chair seemed to block a path. Letting out a sigh, Yukimi remembered declining Kuroo's invitation to join him and the volleyball club members to lunch every single day. She already had her fair share of seeing them every crack of dawn and afternoon and she doesn't want them to disrupt her period of isolation every lunch.

It was a full week since the practice match with Karasuno and the aftermaths still lingered every time she recounted the events. Yukimi and Shimizu still exchanged messages every other day, which greatly made her happy, seeing as the former was a timid girl. They talked about their struggles with being a manager of their clubs and even putting personal things in the conversation - like how Shimizu planned to surprise her club by cleaning their old team banner and how Yukimi juggled her schoolwork while taming her own club members. Aside from Shimizu, Daichi also sent some messages her way - mostly some reminders to always watch out for her health or to take some rest after a long day in school. It made her miss his nagging whenever she appeared too gaunt in their junior high.

Speaking of Daichi, Yukimi's mother was over the roof when she informed that she finally crossed paths with her childhood friend. Natsumi even suggested inviting over the boy sometimes or if they ever set foot in Tokyo. Yukimi figured that it would make her mother excited since Daichi was also an honorary member of their family, just like how she became one in Daichi's family. But she couldn't promise her mother such a thing because Karasuno would have to acquire a practice match with a team in Tokyo or to be qualified for nationals to do that.

Now reaching her classroom, Yukimi slid the door open and made her way to her desk. To her surprise, Kuroo and Yaku invited Kai over to have lunch, with the captain's desk too crowded for the three of them. They always eat lunch in the cafeteria or in one of the benches under the tree canopies where she always had her lunch. So when the three boys looked at her with mouths full of food, she couldn't help but purse her lips in disapproval. For heaven's sake, Kuroo had some sauce on the corners of his lips and it made him look like a child. Sighing at the sight, Yukimi marched over in front of the messy-haired boy and took out a paper napkin from her pocket.

"You look ridiculous, Kuroo," Yukimi told him, leaning down to properly wipe Kuroo's mouth with the paper napkin. Kuroo was taken aback as Yukimi carefully erased the curry sauce on his mouth, his eyes never leaving her face. "There." Smiling as she straightened up, Yukimi walked to her desk and decided to read another book to spare the time.

Left speechless at the close proximity with his crush, Kuroo tried containing the butterflies in his stomach as he covered his face with his hand, hiding the fact that the blush was already spreading to his ears. Hearing the laughter from his two friends, Kuroo glared at them silently while trying to calm himself down.

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