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The whole day passed by like a blur

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The whole day passed by like a blur. There weren't many events that would be deemed important as the lessons flew by. People congratulated Yukimi in the intervals of her classes, whether it be in the hallways, in the vending machine of the third floor, or in the science laboratory. To be honest, they shouldn't be congratulating her, she wasn't in any contests in the past week, to begin with. But, no matter how many times Yukimi reminded them that there wasn't any competition, they would only just wave it off and tell her that she still represented the school and was acknowledged by the University of Tokyo. She would then reply with a shaky smile and a questioning thank you.

The same situation was still happening as the last teacher for the day announced dismissal when the school bell rang. People still congratulated her as she walked down the hallway to proceed to one of the school's gym to formally introduce herself as the volleyball club's manager, as what Kuroo told her. After replacing her indoor shoes with her outdoor ones, Yukimi headed off to the gym; Kuroo's notebook and her indoor shoes in her hands.

Upon arriving in front of the metal doors of the gym, she could hear the squeaks of the volleyball shoe against the hardwood floor, the occasional shouts from the coaches, and the bouncing of the balls. Taking a deep breath as she switched into her indoor shoes again, she prepared herself as she opened the gym doors. There in the gym was the volleyball club looking at her with big smiles and an old and middle-aged man stationed at the benches, the former grinning at her while the latter was expectantly looking at her. Quickly realizing that her gawking might come off as rude, Yukimi hastily bowed, still at the entrance of the gym.

"Good afternoon, I'm the new manager Kuroo-san recommended. My name is Kazahana Yukimi," she announced, straightening up herself. "I'll do my best in my duties. Please take care of me!"

The old man stood up with his arms crossed, the grin on his face still intact. "She's here!" he bellowed with a laugh. "Welcome to the volleyball club, young lady. Please take care of us as well. I'm Nekomata Yasufumi," he introduced, turning around to the other man. "It's a good school year to have someone to reign these rowdy boys, huh, Naoi?"

The middle-aged man still seated nodded, now with a kind smile on his face. "You're right, Nekomata-san," he chuckled. He then turned his attention to Yukimi who was sporting a determined look on her face. "Welcome, Kazahana-san, my name is Naoi Manabu," he told her. "I hope you won't bail on us at the last minute when these boys get out of hand, okay?"

Yukimi nodded. "You can count on me, Coach Nekomata, Coach Naoi," she replied, giving a little bow again.

"You should introduce yourself to the boys," Nekomata told her, nodding towards the volleyball team who was looking at the three of them.

"I have already acquainted myself with them, Nekomata-san," she answered. "I met them last week when I agreed to be the club's manager."

Nekomata laughed heartily. "That's great then! Boys, why don't you formally meet your new manager," he instructed the teenage boys with a close-eyed smile.

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