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Going back home was akin to experiencing jet lag despite living in the same country

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Going back home was akin to experiencing jet lag despite living in the same country. The moment Yukimi stepped inside the comforts of her house, she immediately dashed to her room, grateful that the house was empty for the day (her mother had a shift that lasted till ten at night, something that she once cursed). Turning on the air conditioner, the medium-haired girl took off her jacket and instantly plopped on her made bed, enjoying the lowest temperature her air conditioner can blow since summer was still at its peak outside, judging from the children around their neighborhood (she passed by a yard with an inflatable pool set up on it and some sporting stands of lemonade).

She swore she slept throughout the day like a log ー no one to wake her from the fruity scent of her covers and her dreams of gold eyes and handsome half-smiles.

The whole week after the training camp was pretty uneventful in Yukimi's part.

All she did was settle on her low coffee table, open her school bag, and continued answering the summer homework that seemed to pile up when she checked them. Each subject's homework packet consisted of spreadsheets that needed to be solved (judging from the red and orange, Yukimi figured they were from Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry), readings that should be noted for upcoming back-to-school tests (the rest of the courses in Science and Social Studies ー her teachers show no mercy at all), and reports and writing projects for her literary subjects. The only time she got out of her room was to take a bath or to get her meals because once Yukimi was motivated to finish something ー be it her schoolwork or reading books, she couldn't stop. As she finished her summer homework, Yukimi opened her laptop to make an impromptu report about the volleyball club and how they were faring ー listing all of the content in her notebook revolving around the two training camps.

Running on caffeine and sugar was a normal occurrence to the medium-haired girl as the summer days pass by. Right when she finally reviewed her answers (which are thoroughly checked so many times that her eyes burned the answers in her brain), it was the final day of the week after the summer training camp and Yukimi was itching to read a book. It proved to be harder than she thought as she stood in front of her bookshelf, arms crossed over her chest and eyes narrowed at the array of already read books.

(The books on her shelf can be counted quite easily due to the number of times she kept rereading novels ー in short, Yukimi was bored out of her mind at the lack of flavor in her owned books.)

Deciding that she should go outside her house once in a while, Yukimi searched for an outfit to wear, her destination in mind is the nearest bookstore which usually took her one train ride. Entering the bathroom down the hallway with her picked clothes (a habit she carried from middle school where she would change in the bathroom instead of her room), she washed her face before changing into her choice of clothes. While brushing her hair from tangles and letting it rest past her shoulders in loose curls, the caramel-eyed girl took in her appearance ー an oversized maroon short-sleeved button-down with its front tucked inside a loose pair of black high-waist shorts.

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