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Stretching her arms over her head as she walked down the pathway leading out of Nekoma High, Yukimi could finally breathe a heavy sigh of solace as the midterms finally announced their end

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Stretching her arms over her head as she walked down the pathway leading out of Nekoma High, Yukimi could finally breathe a heavy sigh of solace as the midterms finally announced their end. The rest of the weekend was spent as a refresher for the exams and the first day really passed by like a breeze to her, which she was really thankful for since everything she studied came out in the exams. This could be the very first time Yukimi possessed confidence in her exam results, her weekend nerves vanished as she calmly answered every single question in each day. There's one reason why confidence rippled through her in waves as she continued walking with her focus set on the ground.

You'll just pass with flying marks, as usual, Hana. I know it.


Yukimi jolted from her stupor as the person she continuously thought about in the past few days jogged towards her, with Kenma calmly striding behind him. With his disheveled hair and uniform, Kuroo still managed to outshine the students among the crowd. But there are things that Yukimi noticed about him and his appearance as she never left her eyes on his grinning visage —— how there's a little dimple in his left cheek whenever he flashes a high-spirited smile, how there is an extra eyelid crease in his right eye, and how his bronze skin seemed to glow under the glare of the sun more than usual. Yukimi couldn't deny that she finds Kuroo attractive these days and she would always find herself unconsciously looking at him at certain periods of the day.

"You're heading home already?" Kuroo asked her once he stood in front of the gaping girl, his head slightly tilted to the side. "Kenma and I were planning on going to one of the cafés down the road to celebrate the end of midterms. Want to come with us?"

The short-haired girl blinked at him, her lips parted in a daze. Yukimi tried to look behind Kuroo to meet Kenma's gaze but the second-year only gave her a tiny smile and a wave, his phone clutched in his hand as if he recently paused the game he was playing. The younger boy seemed to like the idea of her joining them in eating outside unlike the thought circulating in Yukimi's mind that Kenma could be forced to oblige by Kuroo. Taking a deep breath, Yukimi faced Kuroo, who was still grinning. "I'll go with you guys," she replied. "I think I needed a good break after the exams."

After she uttered her reply, Kuroo whooped and turned around to Kenma. "See, Kenma?" he called out. "I told you she'll be coming with us!"

Kenma only rose an eyebrow at the taller boy as he continued playing the RPG game he left off before the exams. He frustratingly tapped on the screen of his phone, seeing as he couldn't get out of the dungeon he ventured just last week. The second-year cursed the exams in his mind, his avatar roaming around the dungeon mindlessly while he tried to remember the way out. This is why he hates taking exams because he will be studying when he could be completing a rather hard level in this game. While the younger boy glared at his phone screen, the two third-years looked at him warily, especially Yukimi since the force Kenma exerted on the screen can be heard from where she stood. Kuroo sighed heavily at the sight of his childhood best friend angrily punching controls.

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