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There was a series of knocks on the front door interrupting the early morning in the apartment shared by Oikawa Tooru and Kazahana Yukimi

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There was a series of knocks on the front door interrupting the early morning in the apartment shared by Oikawa Tooru and Kazahana Yukimi.

As much as the dark-haired girl wanted to snuggle into her blankets more, the knocks kept coming until she groaned in aggravation, and unconsciously hitting the person sleeping beside her hours prior. It was her first year in university and she needed all the sleep she could get but the person trying to break in wouldn't let her. Taking the nearest piece of clothing she could find on the floor and a clean pair of underwear, Yukimi went out of her room with only a too-large shirt covering her figure. Padding towards the front door, she didn't forget glaring at the door of the other room in the apartment. It was a miracle that Oikawa didn't wake up from the incessant knocking.

Cursing slightly, Yukimi opened the door while balancing herself from the ache of her hips and legs.

On the other side of the door was a girl, paling at the sight of Yukimi. The girl was on the verge of tears and the caramel-eyed beauty peeked outside the doorway to see if the girl might have lost herself in the complex. Her doubts vanished when the girl wailed, perfect appearance shattering in an instant, "I knew it! He was cheating on me!"

Yukimi leaned back, mouth parting in shock. Who was cheating on her? "Excuse me? I think you got the wrong apartment." She looked back for some help but it looked like her brother had no plans of waking up. Of course, Oikawa had to practice yesterday so now he's out like a light.

The girl shook her head rapidly. "No, no, no. This is the right apartment. Oikawa-kun told me that he lived in this apartment complex and he even brought me here once." The girl swiveled her head towards Yukimi, her tear-stained eyes becoming icy as she raked her gaze over the dark-haired girl. She took in how Yukimi only wore a large shirt that could've been Oikawa's, hair messy that it looked like someone weaved their fingers through it, and neck adorned with marks that looked perfect on her skin. Not to mention that Yukimi looked so pretty for early morning and the girl felt a bubble of distaste brewing in her gut. She scrunched her face, feigning disgust, "What are you doing in his apartment, you bitch?"

"What?" Yukimi incredulously asked. "What did you just call me?" She stepped forward, face to face with the unknown girl. "Me? One of the owners of this apartment and you're asking what am I doing in Tooru's place. If you're his girlfriend, you should at least ask if he's living with a relaー"

"Kimi-chan?" Oikawa yawned, stretching his arms out before sleepily scratching his torso. In actuality, he was woken up by the knocks but he chose not to mind them since he needed some sleep after a long day of volleyball practice. He opened one of his eyes as he stopped in the middle of the living room, freezing at the sight of Yukimi narrowing her eyes at him with a girl he was sure he broke up with a month ago. "Uh, what is going on here? Mio-chan, what are you doing here? I thought we broke things off last month. How did you get here?"

"Oikawa-kun!" The girl, Mio, cried out before glaring at a perplexed Yukimi. "Is this girl the reason why we broke up? You were cheating on me and you chose her in the end?" Yukimi tried to calm her down with a hand but Mio slapped it away from her. "Don't touch me, bitch!"

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