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"Hey, hey, hey!"

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"Hey, hey, hey!"

The greeting echoed through the hallway like a sonic wave, catching the attention of some people around the vicinity. The Nekoma volleyball club looked at the end of the hallway ー some of them smiling widely at the other team while some maintained a blank expression (mainly Kenma because Fukunaga brightened up a little at the sight of one of their contenders). With jerseys sprinkled with golden accents and features similar to that of their school mascot, the members of the Fukurodani team bounded to where the Nekoma team is.

"Long time, no see, bro!" Bokuto Koutarou shouted once he was face-to-face with Kuroo. The two of them then gave each other a brotherly pat on the back, followed by another round of laughter. "I guess this means we'll be bros in rivalry starting this week, huh? I can't wait to crush you in a match!"

Kuroo snickered at his friend, his smirk growing by the second. "Can't wait to show you owls what we have in store for this year's InterHigh," he stated rather proudly, his smirk never faltering alongside Bokuto's effervescent grin. "Maybe this will be our lucky year," he chuckled, "not only did we improve our way in the court, but we also acquired a rather one-of-a-kind gem."

At this, Bokuto perked up, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and anticipation at what Kuroo just revealed. "Oya?" he inquired, leaning a little bit to Kuroo's smirking visage. "Did you perhaps have a new maー"

"Ah, Yuki-chan," Yaku exclaimed from behind Kuroo, making both captains divert their attention to the small commotion at their right. "You just disappeared after we came here, where did you go? Did anybody approach you out of nowhere?"

A mellifluous laugh followed soon after. It was probably awful-sounding to the girl since it was a chortle but in Bokuto's ears, it sounded pretty. The Fukurodani captain found himself staring at a short-haired girl fitted in Nekoma's jacket and track pants, the manager pin nestled on her chest. The first word Bokuto ever associated with her was pretty and any positive adjective echoed soon after. But what rang in his head more is the thought that there was something about her that made him curious. He continued watching her as she gave Kenma a small bottle of apple juice, which the second-year setter gratefully accepted with a smile, puzzling Bokuto even more because the younger boy rarely smiled.

His nose scrunched up as his shoulders visibly drooped.

Why are our managers not like that? We need apple juice once in a while as well or any kind of drink. Why does Shirofuku always drink all of them?

Kuroo noticed Bokuto's forlorn atmosphere so he took his stare from Yukimi and internally panicked since Akaashi, Fukurodani's setter and vice-captain, was still talking to Yaku. He doesn't know how to handle an emo Bokuto, how much more this early in the morning. Deciding that he should be a good friend in times of unexpected sadness, Kuroo tried patting Bokuto on the back while scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know why looking at Hana made you sad," Kuroo started, clearing his throat, "but I assure you she always boosts our mood. I mean, that face and personality? It made you sad? I take great offense to that, you horned-owl bastard."

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