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"I'm dating someone," Natsumi opened the conversation with such a casual tone that made Yukimi choke on her kimchi

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"I'm dating someone," Natsumi opened the conversation with such a casual tone that made Yukimi choke on her kimchi. The dark-haired woman let out a gasp when she realized that her daughter was teary-eyed at the spiciness from the kimchi. "Are you alright?!"

Suddenly, the dinner tasted bitter on Yukimi's tongue as her gaze never lifted from her plate while her mother took out a box of banana milk and poured a glass for her daughter. She already had hints that her mother was currently seeing someone. The lingering perfume that was so musky and staying strong on her mother's unscented blazer once a week. The flashing smiles every time the older woman checks her phone or answers a call. The constant gifts being given to Yukimi, mostly clothes and books, that the caramel-eyed girl was sure her mother didn't buy. There was also the case of her hospital bills being paid in days rather than weeks and the fact that her mother booked a lot of sessions which cost a lot even for her weekly ones back in the days.

It was all there.

And now Yukimi was feeling guilty that she thought of her dad while lifting her gaze to stare at Natsumi's concerned face. She was supposed to be happy for her mother but she couldn't help but look at the family portrait Haruto painted for months. Months of perfecting their expressions and planning out the sketch and color palette. Months of intense excitement in every corner of the house because Haruto was making a piece that was worthy of being placed on a pedestal for how much care he gave each brushstroke. Those months were now minuscule and was gradually being forgotten in their new home. But it would be so hard for them if Yukimi showed the slightest bit of discomfort at the thought of her mother loving someone other than her father. Who was she to talk to even? She dated someone and didn't even have the plans to tell Natsumi about it and all the times the older woman met Kuroo was through coincidences.

At least her mother met him, Yukimi has never caught a glimpse of this person her mother is so infatuated with.


"Huh?" Natsumi asked out of shock. She was expecting her daughter to be less docile about the news but all she could see was Yukimi trying so hard to flash a smile at her. It was making her eyes well up with tears. "Oh, for a couple of months now."

Yukimi furrowed her brows, leaning forward a little bit in her seat. "A couple of months?"

The older woman sighed before smiling sadly. "Since the start of the year, Yuki-chan." She then rose a hand in front of the girl's face, making Yukimi coil back in her chair. "I know that you're having a fit inside your mind right now but," Natsumi looked down on her dinner plate, "have you ever felt lonely in all those years where Haru wasn't around?"

"Why would you be lonely when you have me, Mom?" Yukimi scoffed. She knew she was acting like a little kid at the moment but of course, she had every right to be mad because her mother chose to keep this a secret from her. "You can't just throw this information at me when more than half of the year has passed!"

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