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Bokuto welcomed the medium-haired girl with a warm embrace the moment the Nekoma volleyball club stepped foot inside the Fukurodani Academy gymnasium. It greatly shocked Yukimi at first but seeing as she became friends with the animated wing spiker, and even exchanged some random messages here and there, the girl let herself be wrapped in Bokuto's arms, not forgetting to return the hug, in the same manner, the boy displayed. Once she got separated from Bokuto, with the help of the ever-reliable Akaashi, Yukimi laughed while patting the owl captain's shoulder. Hearing some squeals from behind some of the awestruck members of Fukurodani, Nekoma's manager glanced at the direction of the excited noises with curious eyes, registering the excited smiles of Kaori and Yukie, which made Yukimi grin as well.

"Kaori-san, Yukie-san!" Yukimi greeted, walking away from the gaggle of boys and to where the managers gathered at the side of the gymnasium. The two girls gave her a hug as tight as Bokuto's, something that definitely warmed up her heart.

"You're finally here!" Kaori exclaimed with a flushed face and a bright smile that reached her eyes. "Welcome to Fukurodani! Ah, I've been dying to see you since the InterHigh, Yukimi-chan."

Yukimi nodded, mirroring the smile Kaori showered upon her. "I'm so happy to see you two again." While Kaori moved aside to let the other two managers see her, Yukie remained by her side with both of their arms loosely hanging around each other's waists, the droopy-eyed girl comfortably planting her chin on Yukimi's shoulder.

A girl with pigtails then gasped when Yukimi looked at her. She was dressed in a yellow t-shirt that says Ubugawa High School on the left side of the chest and white track pants with blue linings on either side of the legs. Her expression was stuck in amazement as she felt her cheeks flush a subtle shade of rose. Just like Kaori and Yukie's first reaction in meeting the medium-haired girl, the slate-eyed girl immediately thought that Yukimi is the most beautiful girl she had ever seen and she was left wondering that Nekoma's manager should be placed behind a camera to showcase her in a national scale. Yukimi was shorter than her but the caramel-eyed girl held herself up with elegance and confidence, as if she knew how much of a head-turner she is. After a few minutes of sheer admiring, the girl shook herself from her reverie to announce, "I'm Miyanoshita Eri, Ubugawa's manager! It's nice to meet you, Kazahana-san, I've heard so many good things about you."

Yukimi looked at her wide-eyed, a blush coloring her cheekbones. "You can call me Yukimi, Miyanoshita-san," she told the girl with a smile. The medium-haired girl also admired how effortlessly adorable Eri looked, making her heart swell with the familiar feeling of wanting to take care of the girl since she appeared to be the most precious human being she ever met. In a matter of seconds, Yukimi gained another friend and she had a feeling this wouldn't be her last this training camp.

"You can call me Eri, too!" Eri exclaimed, overjoyed at the fact that their circle of managers welcomed another amazing person.

"I'm Outaki Mako, Shinzen's manager. It's a pleasure meeting you, Yukimi-san!" A brown-haired girl with a side ponytail chirped from beside Eri, her smile contrasting the slate-eyed girl's excited one. It was the same smile Yukimi always saw on Kai ー gentle and oozing with kindness that it made her awestruck with her heart turning into a fluffy mush. The brown-haired girl, Mako, was wearing a white shirt, which was rolled on the sleeves, and a pair of pale green sweatpants, which were also rolled to just below her knees. Yukimi couldn't help but think that this kind of manager uniform suited Mako and it made the brown-haired girl look so cool in her eyes.

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