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Life wasn't lovely if there are circumstances like what Yukimi is facing at the moment

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Life wasn't lovely if there are circumstances like what Yukimi is facing at the moment.

The pristine white walls were anything but comforting for the teenager and she has been sitting here in the minimalistic waiting room for forty-five minutes, her gaze expectant for the previous patient to open the door and to welcome her for another hour of baring her mind. Posters of being 'okay' decorated the walls and they were only making her heart constrict in her chest. It was that time of the month. Not menstruation but worse ー checking up on her mental health as if it was a definite thing in her life. This was a reminder for her that she will never get better. At least that's what Yukimi thought.

She already tried the breathing exercises her mother instructed her if she feels nervous. An inhale. Hold it. Then, a huge exhale that expels all her worries in life. It was quite funny that this was introduced to her way before she was diagnosed, probably when she was in her last year of primary school. Close your eyes and imagine the most beautiful place you could think of (the meadow of flowers they visited one summer day) and inhale the sweet scent of your favorite dessert (being an eleven-year-old meant cakes for Yukimi), and everything will be alright and the sun will shine the brightest for you, was what her father told her. She inhaled those words, kept them in her little jar filled with golden stars inside the chambers of her heart. Right now, however, they weren't doing anything to help her.

It was pointless.

Yet it hurts her, knowing that by how ineffective her coping mechanism has become, she was already neglecting her father's words. Yukimi never knew she gripped her long skirt tightly until her mother's hand covered her own, soothing every bit of tenseness enclosed in her tiny fists. This rendered the medium-haired girl to look at her mother with wide eyes, apologizing with just a stare depicting furrowed brows and pursed lips.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

A tiny gasp escaped Natsumi's mouth, turning to her daughter with a pained look, her grip on the teenager's fists tightening with reassurance. "Yuki-chan, how many times have I told you that you should never feel sorry about this?" She pleaded with her achingly kind daughter. With just that word, she felt how lacking she was of being a parent to her child. The moment the word was uttered, which was never heard from the girl aside from admitting her tiniest mistakes growing up, Natsumi was about to hug her daughter when the door to the clinic they were visiting opened. Looking up, Natsumi bowed while straightening herself from her seat, all the while Yukimi stayed still on the couch with her head down. "Good morning, Nakamura-sensei."

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