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"Chance ball!"

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"Chance ball!"


"Got it! Kenma!"

"... Tora."


"Their receives are amazing like what the rumors say," a bench member of the opposing team murmured with wide eyes as he watched the ball drop on their side of the court, their players forming a campfire from Taketora's spike. "That's what you expect from a powerhouse school."

"Plus," another member interjected, his eyes not on the practice game but on Nekoma's bench, specifically on a dark-haired girl concentrating on the match. "Their manager is a beauty like the rumors said, too. Who wants to bet she doesn't have a boyfriend? Because judging from those looks, no one would be worthy enough for her."

The said girl was sitting regally on the bench beside Nekoma's coaches, her face forward and set in a serious countenance that showed how immersed and observant she is of the practice match, her hands clutching a notebook. Her face was visible to the whole gymnasium since she decided to style it in a loose braid, with her bangs framing the sides of her face and meeting her eyelashes in the softest touch. The only thing that the boys saw from her is her side-profile ー which is quite breathtaking as the rest of her. The next minute, both boys from the opposing bench watched with wide eyes as Nekoma's manager smiled for the first time since the start of the practice match (the boys' faces forming blushes) so they followed where her gaze was set on.

"Don't tell me," the second boy murmured as he incredulously stared at Nekoma's scary captain playfully blowing a kiss at the dark-haired manager after stopping the opponent's spike.

The first boy smirked. "I'll take that bet."

"Oh, no!" the latter wailed. "My pocket money!"

"You have your mouth to blame for that. I swear you're always saying something without thinking about it first."

The chirping of the cicadas and the blistering heat of Tokyo were prevalent as Nekoma continued having their practice match with Asuka High, a promising school specializing in serves that earned quite an audience back in the previous interscholastic tournament. They requested to have a practice match with them since the preliminaries for the Tokyo qualifiers in the spring InterHigh are fast approaching and they needed intel on one of the best receivers in the metropolis of Tokyo, at least that's what Yukimi believed. She felt that the opposing team was holding back what they have in store and instead opting to observe Nekoma's plays. With a nonchalant façade, Nekoma's manager took note that the opposing players weren't serious at all and perceived the practice match to be something they had to internalize.

Those were her thoughts as she handed the towels and water bottles to the players. Yukimi was in a daze as each member thanked her in their individual ways (with Taketora and the first-years vibrantly shouting her nickname, Yaku with his cheeky smile, Kai silently yet genuinely, and Kenma and Fukunaga with little smiles on their faces). It just so happened that Asuka High called for a time-out and huddled close along with their coach, some of their players giving discreet glances at their team. Right now, as the others had their dose of water, Yukimi was staring into space as she tried to formulate words on how to tell her club members and coach what she noticed from Asuka High.

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