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Undeniable tension

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Undeniable tension.

The second day of the training camp ended that way when the Karasuno team started to have tangles in their camaraderie. It all started when Hinata unconsciously jumped when it was Asahi's ball during their practice game with Nekoma, followed by the ginger's abrupt request of letting him open his eyes every time he spikes. The murder of crows instantly shifted their atmosphere from being easygoing to wariness, all of them aware that they ought to improve the way they were playing if they ever wanted to have a place among the rest of the teams inside the gymnasium. Nekomata noted this and cheekily asked Yukimi to note this down as a way for Nekoma to also improve themselves. In the end, the medium-haired girl came up with a bunch of pages regarding that subject, all of them filled with the new suggestions on Nekoma's drills.

And now, just about two hours after lunch, Yukimi stood in front of Kiyoko and Yachi, helping the other two place their belongings inside the baggage compartment of their minibus.

"See you again, Kiyoko-san, Yacchan," the medium-haired girl told the two after they finished loading all the bags and cooler, looking at the two girls with a tilted head and small smile. "I'm really looking forward to meeting you again in the summer training camp."

Kiyoko nodded, reciprocating the smile Yukimi gave her. "I'm excited, too, Yukimi-chan," she replied before discreetly looking at the younger blonde beside her, who was fiddling with her thumbs while looking at anywhere except the Nekoma manager in front of them. The bespectacled dark-haired girl gave away a light laugh as she nudged Yachi with her elbow to encourage her, surprising the first-year, whose shoulders jumped a little.

With a nervous smile, Yachi looked at between Kiyoko and Yukimi, both looking so perfect that she nearly combusted in her position. Expectedly, her heart pounded in her chest as she straightened herself and bowed out of nowhere at the caramel-eyed girl, who once again became red in the face at the sight of Yachi bowing so low. "See you again, Kazahana-san!" she exclaimed with a flushed face, which showed pursed lips and wide eyes that looked so adorable in the third-years' eyes.

"Yacchan, I thought I told you to call me by my name," she reminded the younger girl with a grin.

"IーI mean, YーYukimi-san!" Yachi hastily added, so as not to brush away the older girl's request.

"There you go!" Yukimi happily exclaimed, her demeanor brightening up a little bit. Exchanging waves with the two girls, the caramel-eyed girl made her way to Daichi, who was standing beside Kuroo with furrowed brows. This made her curious since the atmosphere between the two boys was serious that she couldn't help but be worried since based on the frowns on their faces, the same tension from the Karasuno team can be felt from a mile away in the middle of the boys. Once she stopped in front of her childhood friend, Yukimi smiled sadly while looking up at his dark brown irises. "Hey," she softly called out, inserting her hands inside the pockets of her red sweatpants. "Be safe going home."

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